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At lunch I sat next to Ravi and watched him from the side. He was talking with Amber about our trip. He looked so calm and I thought of what Amber said in the bathroom. His eyes followed a few people who walked past befor returning back to Amber.
"Did you ever went camping?", he asked this time to me. "Hm.. oh, yes. But not with a trailer. Only with tents. But that's a long time ago. My whole family went. So I was about... five? Yea. I think.", I said. "Oh. That really is a long time ago.", he agreed.
"And what about you?", I asked. "A few time. The last time was with my ex. He always wanted to camp. In the end he was so scared at every single noise out in the woods we packed up in the middle of the night and slept in the car.", he laughed in memory.
HE? Didn't he just say he? I looked at Amber. She noticed as well. 'Ask him.', I mouthed. "So.. Uhm, was he your first boyfriend?" she managed to say. Ravi looked at her in surprise. "Oh no. He was the second.", he said with a smile. I felt a sting. So it was true. How could I developed a crush on a gay guy. I always wanted a gay best friend. So why a guy I like.
I sighed. "You never told us you were gay.", I said. He raised his eyebrows in surprise. "It's nothing wrong with that right? I have to say I didn't thought of it and I didn't try to hide it. I thought it was obvious.", he said with a little smile. We hurried to tell him we had no problem with him being gay. We just haven't seen it clearly.
After lunch we split up to go to our classes. On the way Amber pulled me into the bathroom again. "I'm sorry darling. Are you feeling ok?", Amber said as she hugged me. "I guess. Wow.. the first guy I really liked turns out to like boys. Luck is on my side. But I'll get over it.", I said wth a smile after she released me. "Oh heck you'll get over it. Hyuks friend is giving a party this weekend. And we'll be there.", Amber told me. "And I won't except a no as answer.", she added.

The evening of the party

"Here. Put that one in your purse.", Amber said and gave me the lipstick I just put on my lips. We just got ready when the doorbell rang. "You ready girls?", Ken shouted up the stairs. "Coming!", Amber yelled back.
Hyuk was there to pick us up with Leo and Hongbin in the back. We kinda squezed in and off we drove. "So who is giving the party again?", I asked. "An old friend from school, Hansol. He and his boyfriend Bjoo just moved together and their having a housewarming party."
We arrived to a pretty crowded place. We managed to find Hansol and Bjoo to say hello. "Hyukkie! I'm glad you made it! Ahhh Kenniboy. You came as well. I'm so glad to see you again.", Hansol screamed and ran over to them to give my brother and Hyuk a hug and each a kiss on the cheek.
He turned around to us. "And you must be Sara. I'm so happy to finally meet you, sweety. Your brother talked about you alot.", he said and hugged me as well. "Uhm, he did? Well this is my friend Amber. Thanks for the invite.", I said as I freed myself from the hug.
Wow.. this kid is hyper, I thought to myself. But I liked him. He was so kind and sweet. His boyfriend was standing behind him the whole time, when Hansol pushed him forwards. "And this is Byungjoo.", Hansol said. The boy smiled and reached for our hand. "Hey. You can call me Bjoo or Joo. Whatever you like.", he said.
"He is still kinda shy.", Hansol wispered loudly in my direction. And with that he earned a evil gaze. But Hannie smiled it off and snuggled into Joos arms. "Feel free to drink and eat whatever you find. Have fun.", Hansol said befor both of them started kissing.
With that Amber and I made our way to the bar. I took a coke while Amber went for the bowle that was I guess homemade.
The night went on and we danced a bit with and without the guys. "I really need to pee.", I said. "Be back in a sec.", I told her and went of to the hunt for the bathroom. The line was crazy long and it sounded like someone was pukeing inside right now. So I sneeked upstairs to maybe find a second bathroom. Success, I thought as I found one. I just wanted to shut the door when a guy ran inside and slammed the door shut and locked it. "Uhm.. what..?", I was about to ask him what the heck he is thinking, when a drunken husky girlvoice from outside asked "Haaakyeon.. yooou iin there?" followed by a week knock. Wow.. someones full.
The guy, Hakyeon, if I heared right, looked at me. 'Please.', he mouthed. I rolled my eyes. "Uh.. Sorry. Someones in here.", I said loudly. "Haaakyeon?", it came again. "Nope. Sorry. I'm Sara.", I said again. You could hear her stumble away from the door. I heared a relifed breath next to me. "Thank you so much. I really own you something."
"Okay. You could start by letting me use the toilet. I really need to pee.", I said. "What if she comes back and finds me. Can't I stay here for a few more minutes?", he pleaged. "I really woudn't mind, but I REALLY need to go now.", I said again.
He looked at me and then suddanly went into the shower and pulled the curtion shut again. "I promise I won't look and listen. Turn on the water if you don't belive me.", he said. Oh gosh.. I really need to go but how with a guy here inside with me?
But the urge to pee was stronger and I turned on the sink with a grumble and hurried to get done.
"Okay. I'm done.", I said. I can't belive it. I peed with a stranger in the room. The guy came out of the shower and sat on the edge. "Again. I am so sorry. But she would have found me if I went outside right then. By the way. Your name is Sara? I'm N. Well it's Hakyeon but call me N.", he said with a akward smile. I washed my hands. "Well N. I just did something I normaly won't do. Now tell me why did you hide from that girl?", I said and sat next to him.
"That girl was someone my friend wanted me to hook up with. I didn't agree with that and she was so drunk she didn't understand no. That's why I hid.", he explained. "Mhmm.. So your friends nomaly want to hook you up ith some drunken crazy girls?" I asked. He laughed. "No. I met him after a few years again today and this was his dates sister. And he thought I would be happy if I hooked up with her."
"Ooohkay.. Uhm. Well my friend is waiting for me. See you around I guess.", I said and went back to Amber who was now between Hyuk and Leo on the couch. "Where the heck have you been?!", she asked whe I arrived. "You won't belive me..."

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