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The week flew by and the weekend finally arrived. Amber and me were like little childeren huddling together and wisper about our planed event.
Now we finally could see if our plan works. Ravi, Amber and myself just finished our meal at Red Robins and I took a look on the time. It was 7:30pm. I winked at Amber and suddanly slammed my hand against my forehead. "You know Ravi.. we totally forgot to tell you that a friend of mine is also coming to see the movie with us. I hope that's ok.", I said.
He looked at me. "No worries. It was fun to spent time with you two here but it won't matter.", he said smiling. We payed the bill and headed over to the cinema. Amber and Ravi went to get some popcorn and a few drinks while I got the tickets. We would share the money afterwards. Right then my phone vibrated and I got a text from N. 'Sorry. Gonna be late. Go ahead and leave me a ticket at the couter. See you in there. Oh and text me your seats.'
I walked over to the other two. "My friend will be a little late. We can go ahead.", I told them. So now we sat down quiet in the middle and I told Ravi to sit on the end because I texted N that my friend has a bright red sweater on. I hope it works out, I thought to myself.
The commercial started and he still didn't show up. Amber and me constantly looked on the time and glanzed at eachother. But finally just as the movie started, I saw N walking in and looking for us. I waved and he recognised us. Ravi didn't noticed and was trying to get the beginning of the film. N quickly hugged me, then Amber and now we both excitedly watched Ravi and him. N bended over the say hello and hug Ravi as well when he turned his face to N. Both suddanly stopped their movements and they stared into eachothers eyes for a second. That is it!, I thought and Amber and me were already about to freak out because they looked so damn cute together, when both said "N?" "Ravi?"
Confused Amber looked at me and I also didn't know what was going on. "What the heck are you doing here?", Ravi finally said after another akeward silence between them. "Well not going to stay, now I know you are here.", N said and turned on his heels. "Sorry Sara. Amber. I will text you. I need to go now.", he said as he walked past us.
What? What the fuck just happened?, I asked myself and I guess Amber was as confused as I was. We both looked at Ravi who was now stubbornly looking ahead on the screen. "I'll be right back!", I wispered into Ambers ear. I stood up and ran after N.
He was already out of the doors almost at his car befor I catched him.
"N, wait!", I shouted. He turned round and looked angry befor his expression turned into surprised. "Why'd you leave the movie?", he asked. "You asked why? I want to know what just happened.", I said. "Maybe I shouldn't asked that because we just met and stuff but I don't really want to lose a maybe new friendship over what just happened."
He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "Okay. I'll tell you but not here. It's quiet a long story.", he said. I looked back to the cinema, thinking what I should do. Hopefully Ravi won't be angry at me. I quickly pulled out my phone and texted Amber I would go to Ns place and talk.
I jumped into his car and he drove to his little apartment. We didn't really talked much on the short drive. He just asked me how I got to know Ravi and I told him he moved here and we are the same age and in the same class. That made him seem even more mad about the whole situation. And I am the person in between this mess I've produced, I thought and still didn't really understood what was going on.
Now when we finally sat on his couch with a tea in our hand he started to tell the story...

Kinda short update. Sorry, but I will soon tell you what happened ;)
Fot the next chapter I will go into Ns pov :)
Until then..
xoxo Mi...

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