The Grimace shake...

595 17 37

Willow simp: It's cold and lonely on the streets
Hunter simp: Awww, poor Hunter :(
Blightsexual_Luz: Guys! GUYS!!!
Luzbian_Amity: What is it Sweet Potato?
Blightsexual_Luz: I'm in the Human realm right now and I'm gonna get a McDonald's for you guys
Gus: What's McDonald's
Blightsexual_Luz: It's one of the coolest and most famous fast food restaurants!!!
Gus: COOOOL!!! 🤩🤩🤩
Blightsexual_Luz: Also, it's Grimace's birthday and I'm gonna order you guys the special meal!!!
Hunter simp: Who's Grimace?
Blightsexual_Luz: THIS GUY

Willow simp: It's cold and lonely on the streetsHunter simp: Awww, poor Hunter :(Blightsexual_Luz: Guys! GUYS!!! Luzbian_Amity: What is it Sweet Potato? Blightsexual_Luz: I'm in the Human realm right now and I'm gonna get a McDonald's for you guys...

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Luzbian_Amity: Purple!!!
Gus: 😎😎😎
Blightsexual_Luz: Ok, I'm back! Amity, Willow, Hunter and Gus, come over to the owl house!!! :)

Luz's POV:

I was waiting by the window for my friends to arrive. I had to keep on snatching the milkshakes back from greedy King and I was worried the food was getting cold.
The first person to arrive was Amity, of course. I kissed her on the cheek and then told her to wait by the food until everyone was here.
Then Gus came. He was really excited to try the food but I had to tell Amity to not let him try it yet.
Finally, Hunter and Willow arrived together. They looked so cute together...
We all sat down next to the food. Gus tried to start eating the McNuggets but I slapped his hand down.
"We're gonna try the shake first!" I said.
The rest nodded and we all picked up the cup with the purple, berry milkshake inside.
"Happy birthday Grimace!!!" We all said in unison.
Then, me, Amity, Gus and Willow put the cup to our lips but didn't drink. Then I realised Hunter had just downed it.
"Hunter!!! You weren't supposed to drink it!!!" I screamed.
"Huhhh? W-why not-t?" Hunter asked.
"Have you not seen the memes on Tiktok? Everyone who drinks it dies or gets possessed!!!" I replied.
"I don't have T-tiktok... I only g-got YouTube," Hunter said.
"It's on YouTube too! Did you not see the messages in the groupchat ever?" I asked.
Hunter looked confused and decided to check his scroll...

Blightsexual_Luz: I just wanted to quickly tell you guys, don't drink the Grimace shake!!!
Luzbian_Amity: Why not?
Blightsexual_Luz: People who drink it die, we're just gonna do it as a prank
Blightsexual_Luz: We'll pretend we drank it, put puddles of it on the carpet and on our mouths and then pretend we died!
Gus: I wanted to drink it though :(
Blightsexual_Luz: No Gus
Gus: >:(
Hunter simp: Ok, but is Hunter online?

"Ohhh-h... I d-don't f-feel g-good..." Hunter said.
He then passed out, purple milkshake bubbling out of his mouth.
"Oh no... Hunter! Noooooo!!!" Willow cried, bursting into tears.
"Oh titan!" Amity shrieked, disgusted by what was happening.
"Oh no..., Eda's gonna kill me!!" Luz said, sweating and trembling.

Hunter simp: HUNTER!!! 😭😭😭
Darius: What's wrong with Hunter?!
Gus: He drank a Grimace shake
Darius: What is a Grimace shake???
Gus: This...

Hunter simp: HUNTER!!! 😭😭😭Darius: What's wrong with Hunter?!Gus: He drank a Grimace shakeDarius: What is a Grimace shake???Gus: This

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Darius: That looks like abomination goo, which doesn't taste at all nice, ...I tried it as a kid...
Luzbian_Amity: Well I'm kinda glad...
Hunter simp: AMITY!!! 😡
Luzbian_Amity: Sorry...
Blightsexual_Luz: I'm so sorry, I let him drink it :(
Darius: LUZ!!!! 😡
Hunter simp: 😡
Blightsexual_Luz: Sorry 😭😭😭
Blightsexual_Luz: Sorry
Grimace: oH nO, my purplehands haVe kiLLed soMeoNe!!!
Hunter simp: Get the hell out for killing my... friend!!! 😡😡😡

Hunter simp kicked Grimace from the groupchat

Belos: What?! Looks like my Grimwalker is now a Grimace-walker lol
Belos: ...
Belos: Oh well... I guess I'll just have to make a new grimwalker then

Luz deleted three message
Luz kicked Belos from the groupchat


Well... I can't believe I actually ended up making this chapter...
This is mainly because all my chapters follow a little bit of plot and are all prewritten like a MONTH before I publish them...
I was considering making this after the whole Grimace shake meme but realised I didn't know where to slot this into the story. But then I saw Tomotasauce's video and I was like, "I REALLY need to make this now" so I have.
Until next time, Byyeeeeee!!!

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