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"Can we go on the swings?" I ask Katie, pointing to the swing set which is empty. This is a big opportunity, the swing sets are never empty.

"Just for a little bit. Come on hurry up." Katie says. She starts to run to the swing and I follow behind her.

Right before we reach the swings four people come out of nowhere and take them. I hate when that happens.

"Hey, can we go on the swings for a little? We're not spending that much time at the park. We promise we'll give them back after." Katie says

"No. Too bad you got here too late." One of them says

Wait a minute. I know that voice. I look at the people who took the swings. It's Beck, Vicky, and two of there friends.

"Beck please." I beg him

He hesitates and looks at Vicky who's on the swing next to him. She shakes her head no. 

"Uh, maybe next time Haz."

I can't help but feel a little disappointed. I know Beck doesn't like the swings so he's only saying no because Vicky told him to.

"That's not fair." Katie says

"I think it's very fair. You can't expect to win every time." Vicky says

"Sorry Haz." Beck says guiltily  

"Whatever stupid. Let's go Hazel." Katie says

As we walk away Katie talks about how mean Beck is.

"Some brother you got there. I can't believe he chose the witch over you." She says pissed

"You didn't want to go on the swing set in the first place so it's fine. Now we can do something we both like." I tell her

"Sometimes you're too nice Hazel." Katie says

"Well if that means not overreacting to everything, then yes I guess I'm a little too nice."

"That's not what I mean. You and I both know that they took all the swings because they saw us heading for them."

"We don't know that-"

"Yes we do and it was probably Vicky's idea"

"That over now. No swings. We're running out of time. What do you want to do now?" I ask to change the topic.

Katie looks around the park. Her eyes searching for different ideas. 

"Wanna play frisbee?" She asks

"Sure" I say

I grab a frisbee and we walk to the part of the park that's just grass. We play for a while and it was kind of fun.

"Hey Hazel!" Someone calls out my name

I turn around and see Miles walking towards us with his friends. 

Katie groans. "Great another one of your brothers here to ruin things"

What does Miles want? We stand and wait for him to reach us. When he does he looks at the frisbee for a while before looking back at us.

"No." Katie says to him

"You don't even know what I was going to say." Miles says

"You want the frisbee don't you?" I ask him

He gives a sheepish smile. "Yeah. It get boring after skating boarding for four hours."

"Well the answer is no." Katie says

He frowns. "Why?"

"Because we're playing with it." I say

"But we walked all the way over here." Miles says

"And you can walk back. That's not our problem." Katie snaps

Miles points to Katie and looks at me. "What's the matter with her?" Katie glares at him. 

"We're just really enjoying play with the frisbee and we don't want you to take it." I say

"Can me and my friends join your game?" Miles asks looking cautiously at Katie

"Aren't there other frisbees?" Katie asks

"Yeah, but other people have them and don't get me wrong we would ask them but it's easier to ask you guys since we know you and all." Miles says

"Can't you and your friends play with a soccer ball?" I ask

Miles snorts. "What am I? Martin?"

"Fine you can have it." Katie says

Miles looks taken aback for a second. He looks back and forth between us suspiciously as if he thought he was going to argue more with us. "Really?"

Katie nods. "Yeah here take it." She says holding it out to him

Slowly he takes small steps towards her, holding his hand out to get it. His friends stand where they are as if they are afraid to move closer to Katie whose face is still slightly red from anger. 

When Miles is about to grab the frisbee, Katie suddenly draws her hand back and throws it at him. Miles lets out a shocked yelp and draws his hand back in the air. As if Katie had already predicted his next move before throwing the frisbee it hits his hand making a cracking noise.

Miles holds his hand in pain and yells. "Fuck you!"

The rest of us find ourselves laughing as Miles kisses his hand, whispering soothing words to it.

"Thank you Miles for that. I don't think I'm mad anymore." Katie says

"Yeah, no problem. I love being a victim for someone's happiness." He says grinding his teeth in pain.

"Anyways, you can still have the frisbee if you want it." Katie says

Miles holds out his other hand weakly. This time Katie picks it up and hands it to him. 

"We're leaving now. Hope your hand feels better soon Miles." I say

We walk around the park and do different activities. Riding slides, playing X's and O's, going on the gym course, playing on the tennis court and the basketball court, and we even got to go on the swings for a bit after my brother and his friends left.

At the end of it we were tired so we rode our bikes back to Katie's house. When we got there Kalani was already there. We found her in the living room. When she saw us she jumped off of the couch.

"Where did you guys go? I almost went out and looked for you guys." She says

Katie looks at me shocked. "Wow! Hazel can you believe how concerned she was? She almost went out to look for us."

Kalani rolls her eyes and playfully nudges me and Katie. "You guys know what I meant. But really where were you guys?"

"We went to the park for a bit." I tell her

"Did you have fun?"

"Barley." Katie scoffs

"What happened." Kalani asks

"Hazel's stupid brothers ruined it. They took half of the fun away." Katie says

"Bummer." Kalani says

"How much time do you have left before you have to leave for karate?" Katie asks me

"An hour." I say looking at the clock on the wall

"Let's just watch TV." Katie says

We all sit on the couch and Kalani turns on the TV to a random channel. 

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