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I slammed to stop button on my alarm clock and quickly sat up straight. 

Today was the day. The karate championship. 

I looked back at my clock to check the time. 3:30 a.m. 

Perfect. It's been a tradition ever since my first karate championship to wake up at 3:30. To be honest I was already awake before that and was quietly waiting to hear the sound of Kade pretending to be a chicken come for my phone. 

Even after two years of hearing that same alarm annually I still love it. I quickly change from warm pj's to shorts and a light T-shirt before brushing my teeth, putting my hair in a ponytail, and heading downstairs quietly. I almost forgot that people are still sleeping.

I headed to the kitchen first, half expecting to see Beck because almost every night this summer he's been sneaking out of the house through the kitchen window. When I don't see him I jump with joy and run to the fridge.

Everyone's room is upstairs and even though I shouldn't make much noise they probably won't be able to hear me from downstairs in the kitchen. I grabbed a nice, cold juice box from the fridge and then went to the cabinet to grab a Gronala bar.

After my quick breakfast, I went toward the door, put on my Apple watch, and shoved my house keys in my pocket. 

I was going for a run, a five-mile run to be exact. 

After years of experience, I've perfected a schedule that helps me do my best at championships. One is not to sleep a lot. That may sound weird but I find that when I sleep less I'm more awake but when I sleep more it takes me longer to function.

On days like this, I always have too much energy so it's nice to try and bring it down by running. While running this early you barely see any people or cars. I live in a safe neighborhood and a small town so chances of me being kidnapped are slim. Plus I know karate so I can defend myself if needed.

Random thoughts were running through my head as I ran. Almost all summer I couldn't wait for this day but the nerves are starting to hit me now which is probably why I have so much adrenaline. 

I just wish I had more time. I looked down at my watch and saw that I had already ran three miles. I hadn't stopped for a walking break at all and I for some reason still didn't feel tired or out of breath. 

The sun still wasn't up but the street lights lit up the street. It was kind of peaceful and quiet. I didn't have my air pods with me so I couldn't listen to music. 

After the fourth mile, I did start to get a little tired so I turned my run into a slow jog but not a walk. 

When I finished I was sweaty and my legs were limp. I went home and took a long shower before getting dressed for the rest of the day.

I had spent all yesterday training and today I decided I wasn't going to do that much. I didn't want to wear myself out before.

I stayed in my room doing fun karate tricks until around 6:00 which is when Martin wakes up. When I heard his door open I ran out of my room and towards him, giving him a hug.

He patted my head and looked down at me. "What are you doing up this early?" he asked

I shrugged. "I don't know."

I've been doing this for years and still, no one in my family knows that on the karate championship day, I wake up at 3:30. I'm just too sneaky.

Martin hummed and started walking down the stairs and I followed behind him.

"Where are you going?" I asked

"None of your business," Martin said 

"Are you going to see your girlfriend Kalani?" I asked, smirking.

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