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The sleepover yesterday was pretty fun. In the morning Mia and Katie left. Mia gave Katie a ride home before going to the dojo for early practice.

Right now I'm walking out of my room and heading to the dining room for lunch. We only eat in the dining room for breakfast on the weekends.

When I get there Cole is the only one there and he's placing food on the table. He smiles at me.

"Good morning Haz, want to help put the food on the table?"

I sit in my spot and lay my head on the table before mumbling. "No, I'm good."

I hear Cole scoff and walk back to the kitchen to get the rest of the food.

Martin, Miles, and Beck walk in together and take their seats and soon after Kade and Lane come in. 

"Can we eat now?" Kade asks after sitting down

"We have to wait for Cole." Lane says

"COLE! Get in here so we can eat already!" Kade yells way too loudly for the morning

"Shut up!" Miles says while covering his ears.

"AM I TOO LOUD FOR YOU MILES? TELL ME NEXT TIME!" Kade yells, leaning over the table to get in Miles's face.

Miles slaps him and as Kade reaches his hand over to Miles neck choke him, Cole comes in and pulls Kade back into his seat.

"You ruined the show right when it was getting good." Martin grumbles

"I'm here now, so we can start eating now." Cole says while taking his seat

Everyone grabs something and we all begin eating. Some of us are making small talk while the rest of us are either on our phones or half asleep while eating our food.

"Hazel, can I have that?" Kade asks while pointing the last piece of bacon on my plate which also happens to be the last piece of bacon in the room

"Give it to me." Beck says reaching out his hand

"But I want it." Martin says

"Hazel can I have it?" Miles asks politely

"Guys, let her eat her food, you've had yours." Cole scolds them

"It's not like she's going to eat it anyway." Kade says

"Hazel, just give it to me." Beck says

"No, me." Martin says

"Guys." Everyone turns to Lane after hearing his voice waiting for him to speak again. He's ussally the problem solver in these cases, mostly by finding the compromise.

He takes in a deep breath before saying. "If it's going to anyone, it should be me."

It's quiet for a second before almost everyone at the table yells in disagreement.


"How is that even fair."

"I asked first"

"Why are we fighting over a piece of bacon."

"It doesn't matter who asked first."

"Let her eat her food."

"Lane, you're the worst person ever."

"Enough." Cole yells

"You better have something way better to say then the nerd of the house." Beck says causing Lane to punch him in the shoulder

"You're just mad I'm smarter than you." Lane says

"And you're just mad because I'm hotter than you." Beck says back

"I don't know, ever since Lane started wearing contacts he's been catching out to us." Kade says

"You mean to you." Martin says

"You're the ugliest in the house, you can't be talking Martin." Miles says

"Talk back to me when you have a girlfriend." Martin says

"We don't even know if this girl is real, we've never met her. For all we do know you could be making her up. Call me when you have the guts to bring her to meet your family." Miles snaps back

"Ooooo, he went there." Kade instigates

Martin glares at Miles and Miles does the same back.

"We're going to move on." Cole starts

"No we're not." Martin says. 

"Yes we are. It's too early to have a word fight. I want to be fully awake so I can understand everything." Lane says

"All this because of a piece of bacon that's suppose to be mine." Kade says shaking his head

"You mean mine." I say 

"I personally think it should be mine." Beck says

"No one asked for your opinion." Kade snaps

"I still think it should be mine." Lane says

"Hazel, do you remember when I did you that one favor the other day?" Beck asks me

I frown my eyebrows. "What favor?" I ask him

"Uh..." He pauses as if not expecting me to ask that far into his statement

"When I got you that icy hot." He finally says

"You mean the one you stole from me?" Miles asks

Beck clap his hand together. "Yes! That one."

"That was like two weeks ago." I roll my eyes

"But I did say that you would have to do me a favor if I got it." Beck says

"The fact that I let you keep my three dollars is payment enough." I say

"Do you guys want to know who gets the bacon or not?" Cole ask in a tone that make him sound completely done with this whole situation.

All heads turn to him. "Whoever Hazel chooses will get the bacon." Cole says

Before my other brothers can say another word Cole speaks again. "You all have to be quiet and let her decide by herself. Hazel do it quickly. For the record I don't want it"

I look at all my brothers who are staring back at me. Some of them look scary like if they don't here me say their name they'll jump on me like a wild cat and eat me.

Since Cole doesn't want is this is going to be hard. He would've been my first option. Lane would've been my second but I think I going to give it to Miles. He was the only polite one when he asked and it was kind of funny to see him stand up to Martin, no one does that.

"I'll give it to Miles." I say

Miles thanks me and takes it from my plate, eating it while the rest of my brothers -except for Cole- stare with their mouths open in shock.

"Why did he get it?" Martin asks in disgust

"Again, I'm the first one that asked." Kade says raising out his hand in disbelief.

I watch as they argue as I leave the table. Cole follows in suit and head out to the kitchen. Miles leaves after he finishes his food and we all go our separate way leave the rest of our brother to shout at each other.

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