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When I woke up I felt tired and confused. I was trying to remember what happened. When I touched my face it felt weird. I saw a mirror on the table beside me and I tried to reach for it but stopped when I felt a strange pain.

I laid back down and sighed. Where am I? I looked around the room with my eyes for someone and a nurse came in.

She smiled at me and walked over. She reached for my face and took something off. It was a breathing mask. That's why my face felt so weird. 

I rubbed my nose and blinked. After the lady set the mask down she turned to me and sat on the edge of my bed. 

"How are you feeling Hazel?" She asked

I scrunched my eyebrows at her. "I don't think I know you."

She chuckled softly. "You probably don't but I'm one of the nurses who's been taking care of you."

"My mom told me not to talk to strangers." I say

She laughs again. "Would you like to see your mom? I could call to tell her you're awake."

"Where's my brother?"I ask

"Which one?" She asks

I think about it for a bit. My mind feels weird and all I want to do is go to sleep, I can't think of names right now.

"I don't know." I finally say

She nods. "That's okay. You're on anesthesia. I'll call your family. Don't move okay?"

She gets up and walks out of the room. I forgot to ask her for the mirror. 

I lift up the hospital dress that I have on and look down. There's many pieces of what looks like tape on me. I look down at them confused. I put the dress down and decide to wait till the nurse comes back to ask her about them.

After a couple of minutes I fell asleep. Whatever anesthesia is, it must be strong. Not even sleeping gummies can put me asleep this quickly.

I had a dream about that time when my mom took me and my brothers to the park. It was seven years ago I think.

I remember that Martin went to play football with his friends because he was embarrassed to be seen with us. Miles and Cole wouldn't leave mom's side because they were terrified of all the kids that were there.

Me, Beck, and Kade went to play on the swings. I didn't get to go on the swings because I was too short and no one would help me up. I ended up pushing Kade and Beck as they swung back and forth because Beck said I needed something to do.

While Kade was in lala land dreaming about touching clouds as he swung higher, Beck was trying to hit me when I pushed him. 

It was like a game of cat and mouse and only one of us was having fun. He did end up hitting me because I couldn't move out of the way in time. 

His muddy shoe collided with my face and I went flying backwards. My lip was split and my nose was bleeding. When I fell backwards my arms got pretty scratched up too.

I sat on the floor and cried like a baby until my mom came over. She left Miles and Cole with Beck and Kade and took me to the bathroom where she cleaned up my face.

My lip was split so badly that it wouldn't stop bleeding. We had to leave the park early and go to the doctors where they gave me stitches.

My mom held my hand the whole time and said I was going to be fine and it would only hurt for a little bit.

When I remembered her words I woke up. 'I want my mom' I thought to myself, 'Where is she?'

I pressed the call button on the bed so that the nurse would come back. I kept pressing it and my breathing got faster. I moved my head to look around but I couldn't see anyone.

I whimpered. I needed to find my mom. I stopped pressing the call button and took the blanket off of me. I slowly sat up and looked down at the ground. I didn't feel like walking, I felt like I was going to pass out if I did but I wanted to see my mom.

Just when I was about to put my feet on the ground the door opened. I turned towards it and saw the nurse and behind her was my mom... and my dad but I was really happy to see my mom.

When my mom saw me she smiled and walked towards me and gave me a hug. My dad put his hand on my back.

"Oh, sweetie you have no idea how worried we were. Everyone was so scared." My mom said

She pulled away from the hug and put her hands on my shoulders to get a better look at me. 

"Do I look okay? I asked

She smiled. "You look perfect."

The nurse cleared her throat and smiled. "I'll leave you guys to it. If you need anything just press that button on the side of your bed and I'll come."

She walked out and closed the door behind her.

"Mom, my head feels weird." I say

"The nurse told us about that. It's completly normal, you just need to rest so the medication will wear off." 

"Where are the others?" I ask 

"They're at school right now but their school ends in about an hour so they'll come here to see you after." She says

I look up at my dad and smile. "Why are you so quiet."

He smiles back. "Just happy, that's all."

My mom shakes her head. "Look at his face, if he says anything else he'll start crying. Your father is so emotional, he was the first one to cry when he heard you were going into surgery."

Mom and I laugh and dad playfully rolls his eyes. 

"You need some rest sweetie. Lay down." My mom says

"You're not leaving right?" I ask

"Of course not. We'll be here when you wake up and hopefully everyone else too." She kisses my forehead and tuck me back under the blankets.

After that her and dad take seats in the two waiting chairs.

Gosh, I can't wait for this medication to wear off.

(A/N: I've been gone for a while but here I am. Still alive and all. I'm gonna try to update this book a little more this week to make up for the time I missed. Thanks for waiting and reading this chapter, it means a lot. Hope everyone has an amazing day/night.)

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