56--The End

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"Hazel, it's really not that bad," Katie said as she put on chapstick.

After the championship, I got ice cream with all my family and then went to Katie's house since her mom was going to be the one dropping us off at the fair. It had started about an hour ago and we were leaving soon.

"Yes, it is. Can I please borrow some of the stuff you put on your face to hide it?" I asked, I've been looking in the mirror at my black eye for a while trying to figure out what to do about it.

"Sorry Hazel. You tan and I don't so we're not the same shade. You would look like a ghost which would probably attract more attention." Katie said

"Then I'll wear these." I pulled out a pair of sunglasses and put them on my face, posing in front of the mirror.

"You know it's night time right? People are gonna be like, Hazel why are you wearing sunglasses at night?'" Katie continued talking.

"I've seen lots of people wearing sunglasses at night." 

"Yeah but don't you kinda give them the side eye?"

"I'm not you."

Katie shrugged. "Whatever."

"Girls hurry up! We're leaving soon!" Katie's mom yelled from downstairs.

"Why don't you want to show your black eye? It'll make you look tuff."

"I don't want to look tuff." 

"Well like half the town was there and everyone saw that punch to the eye so it's not like they're expecting you to be okay," Katie adds

I shook my head. "Let's just go downstairs. I'm bringing the sunglasses with me though."

"Okay," Katie said grabbing her bag. "Wait do you have money?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I have $20 and my mom said to go to Cole if I need any more money."

"Oh, well if you need any more money I have lots from my job at the ice cream truck," Katie said.

"I forgot that you worked there at the beginning of summer. Did you stay long enough to win the bet against Ed?" 

Katie nodded. "I still working there actually. I think I like working now, I get free ice cream almost every day. I might work there next summer." Katie says

"That's nice, maybe I'll join you," I said. I do need a job, I think Cole's tired of buying stuff for me.

Ed seems to be losing every bet he's made. First against Katie and now against John. Sucks for him.

Katie and I head downstairs and get in her mom's car. The fair could be seen from a mile away. Because it was now dark outside the lights were very prominent.

There were no more parking spots left so we just got out of the car and waved goodbye to Katie's mom as she drove off.

"Oh Hazel I see your boyfriend. Act natural but slowly turn your head to the right." Katie said, nudging me. 

"My boyfriend?" I asked confused. "Oh, my boy friend."

"Hush, he walking towards us."

I lifted my hand to move my hair out of my face and I felt my heart skip a beat.

"Katie I forgot my glasses in your mom's car." 

Katie shrugged. "Oh well."

"No, please. I can't let Oliver see my black eye. I probably look ugly. Kaite this is going to ruin my time at the fair. Can we go find your mom?"

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