3 Years earlier

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My Diary: page 268

3 years 

it's been 3 years since my mission ended 

After leaving from that building she left me on

I felt different 

but it was a different kind of different 

  it was so long ago but I remember it plain as day

I'm fine to say the least 

or at least I'd like to think so 

people like to ask me if I'm okay and the only answer I can give them is

"I'm fine"

I trained myself to always respond that way 

or I probably just got used to it

Either way

I'm in an exclusive relationship with one of the crewmembers that just joined our team not so long ago

She's my everything

the sex is beyond great, we go on fun dates together, even snuggle!

all things I miss from &#^#&

But it's alright!

I have to move on someday, I can't keep being hung up on **#&*$

I am fine

In fact I'm better than fine

I'm great!

Kiana sighed dropping her pen on the desk, lazily watching it roll off the table and land on the soft carpet below her feet. This was the only way she could ever overcome the feelings of loneliness and guilt, but she was 22 now. What could she have done back then, hearing the door creek open and closed, following the small patter of feet on the cold wooden floor. Looking up to see her beloved, quickly but steadily Kiana closed her book and put it in her drawer, not wanting her beloved Kirye to think she was hiding something" you never wanna share with me what goes on in that little head of yours do you" Kirye said placing the two cups of steaming hot chocolate on the desk in front of her and sitting on Kiana's lap.

" I really hope you don't think I'm hiding anything from you, I'm just not ready yet" Kiana spoke, Wrapping her arms around Kirye's waistline and burying her face in her arm" I know sweetie, take your time" A few minutes pass and Kirye stands up, Kiana holds her arm out pouting" awwe no fair! come back here I was just about to fall asleep!" Kirye holds her hand out in protest" not until you tell me what's bothering you tonight" Kiana brought her arms back down, realizing she had been caught. Kiana chuckled a bit and stood up, streaching for a moment then leading her girlfriend of 9 months to the bed to sit.

Taking a deep breath she finally started to speak, not daring to look an eye in Kirye's direction" I used to have this "friend" a while back, she was everything to me before she left due to my selfishness and inability to let others around me help. Word got out she joined world serpent, and here's the kicker! It was because of me!" Kiana took a breath, small tears forming in her eyes. Her beloved beginning to rub her back, Kiana opened her mouth to say more but hesitated" I was just thinking about it, that's all" I lied.

How long would I keep lying to her

Kirye was about to say something but I spoke again" it doesn't matter" crawling over to my side of the bed and covering myself in the comforting warmth the lavender coated scent brought me, turning off the lamp and with one last "goodnight sweetie" from Kirye as she wrapped her arms around my waist, I fell into a deep slumber. 

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