Paying What You Owe

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Gore warning ⚠️

If you're sensitive to anything involving kidnapping and torture I suggest you skip this chapter.

The lights of a dimly lit room flickered to life, nearly blinding the girl who saw them. Having just woken up she realized she was bound to a chair, her belongings also weren't with her when she left the little apartment of the girl she loved but could no longer trust. She was done with the lies, she was done being a replacement" oh there you are!" Spoke a cheery voice, walking over the girl to get a better look at her"who are you" The girl spoke in a rough and firm tone"oh, well how rude of me I should've properly introduced myself. My name is Veliona, and I'm sort of a debt collector of sorts. Someone put a bounty on your head, well not a bounty but you're what someone is paying me back for all my hard work" Veliona spoke, her arm wiping nonexistent sweat off her forehead

"this isn't an easy job you know, people always think things come for free in life" Veliona said sighing putting her arm down and walking over to a tool cart "what the hell are you talking about, let me go!" The girl struggled against her chains, but it was futile as whenever she did so the chains burned like hot coals around her skin causing her stinging pain"oh yea, forgot to tell ya that happens when you try to escape. You know, you never told me your name" Veliona said walking back to the girl with a chair and needle, plucking it a bit"fuck you!" The girl said angrily, spitting on the cold brick floor.

Veliona scowled and briskly walked over to her, kneeling down, and stabbing her with the needle. Making the girl nearly yell out in pain" God people like you are so damn disrespectful to those older than you, have some damn self respect. Who's gonna clean that up!" Veliona spat between clenched teeth, closing her eyes and sighing she got back up. leaving the needle in her "just tell me your damn name so we can both be done with this, as you can see I have a temper and I'm not a very patient woman either" Veliona spoke in a very lazy tone" Kirye, why the hell do you need it" Kirye said out of breath and wheezing from the pain in her arm, she felt so woozy ever since that needle got injected into her.

"Ah, so it seems I've caught her little girlfriend" Veliona spoke with interest, Kirye looked up in confusion as she watched Veliona grab another needle and fill it with some sort of strange blue liquid. Walking back over to Kirye to unjam the other one, injecting her with the blue needle in the same damn spot. God how it hurt, but she was trained to bear more than this so she just bit her lip until it was over.

"What was that" Kirye asked" well it was going to kill you and make my job easier" Veliona said walking to a table and sitting on top of it"but I have better uses for you here, and that blue liquid is something new I've been working on and you're my little biology experiment" Veliona said nonchalantly, she just sounded so blunt like she'd done this millions of times" Kirye's heart races, panic now sitting in the place her anger once was. Hearing a door open she suddenly began to scream, louder than she had ever screamed before. But whoever was up there started to howl with laughter, even Veliona began to laugh. Once the person was in view she saw it was a girl"hunny what did I tell you about coming down here when I brought a new person in" Veliona pouted

"It's not scary anymore" Watching the two insane criminals treat this like it was no big deal was driving Kirye up the wall. Her heart rate spiked, her eyes filled with tears and her mind filled with the dreadful feeling that she'd never make it out of here alive" baby don't worry, you look plenty scary all on your own" the girl in pigtails giggles and kissed Veliona on the lips, turning to Kirye and kneeling down"do you wanna get out of here?" And without thinking she said yes, causing both of them to erupt into more laughter"it works every time! They always think they have any chance of escape in this place, sweetie the walls are soundproof so whatever goes on in this place. Stays in this place"the pigtailed girl spoke those last words in a whisper next to my ear.

Tears flowing down my cheeks, I had never been this level of afraid in my life. I was trained, why was I so weak. The girl with her grey pigtails and red eyes that peirced into your very soul, walked over and sat on the table with Veliona" I love watching you work, and if you put on a good show for me I'll treat you later~" The girl spoke in a seductive tone, tracing Veliona's chin. Veliona giggled spitefully and pecked her on the lips, getting down from the table while That girl watched, stared, She couldn't speak, She couldn't breathe. It hurt  if she struggled so Kirye had to comply" my name is Bryona, some people call me dark Bryona but I figure its a bit cheesy so I call myself Aria instead" Kirye refused to speak, this irritated Aria.

And with the speed of no human Aria held Kirye back by her neck, causing the chair to fall backwards and send Kirye in more pain than she's ever felt. And it wasn't helping that Aria had her knee pressing into her stomach causing her to cough up a large amount of blood"it's not nice to ignore people" Aria said between clenched teeth, Veliona rushed over"hey don't kill her I need her" Veliona said pushing Aria lightly"she needs to be punished for ignoring me, it's very rude" Aria said looking back at me, Kirye's own blood on Aria's face traumatized Kirye further. Sending the girl further and further into madness

Aria finally got off Kirye and the chair was placed back up, Kirye was in horrible condition both physically and mentally. The chains now coated in thick blood, Kirye felt cold and began to go numb. The last words she heard were the faint pouts of"come on don't die on me yet!"

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