Just a slip of the blade

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Warning: Murder ⚠️

If you're sensitive to these kinds of things please skip his chapter

Kinda rushed this chapter as I didn't feel like making this one, Kirye ain't that important to the story.

Arriving at the designated spot I looked around for a moment, there weren't many cars around and it was a fairly desolate city. I kept my gun on me at all times because it looked like the ghetto streets of Arc City, even this beautiful city had its dirty side. As I waited I thought about Mei, how beautiful I thought she was, how I wanted to feel her lips again, for her to hold me again, to smell that sweet scent of flowers again.

I couldn't snap myself out of it, what if I did go through with the marriage, what if this whole thing pulled through how the hell would I explain my infidelity to Kirye. She'd hate me more than she already does, now that she knows I love someone else. Truth be told she was my replacement, a coverup to lie to myself about what I really wanted. How could I do that to her, how could I string her along like that, how could I lie to myself for so long. The last 3 years without Mei were miserable, I only wanted someone to fill the void of misery and loneliness and when she confessed to me I said yes out of spite.

I never meant for it to go this far, seeing Mei coming around the corner my heart felt warm" hey, didn't think you'd come" Mei said nervously"jeez you're acting like we're on a date or something" I pouted, but got embarrassed at my own words"anyways! Just tell me the plan"

16 minutes later...

" So did you get all that?" Mei asked"no, absolutely not" Mei
hit the top of her forehead in annoyance"jeez you're just as dense as three years ago" Mei insulted" hey!" I pouted and she held her hand out"just follow my lead alright, like a puppy I held her hand as she walked me to the back of an alleyway and there we saw a wooden door connecting to another building but it definitely wasn't a warehouse, guess I was right to follow Mei. Making sure as to not make noise. It was a small house, but we saw a padded basement on the other side of the room.

Mei let go of my hand and touched it, feeling around"this is soundproofing, this is definitely where Kirye is" as soon as we went in there were stairs leading down a dark empty basement, blood littered the floors and chains hung on the walls. Faint rusling of chains could be heard from the corner of the room and once we went down there she was"Kirye?" I said softly"oh hey! Lucky of you to join us we left the door unlocked just for you come in!" Veliona's cheery voice rang through the walls"you see, this isn't Kirye anymore. She's my little lab expirement" Veliona spoke bluntly gripping the chain on the girl as she crawled towards her, Kirye looked...unhinged.

Her mouth had drool coming down the side of her mouth, and her body was littered in burns and cuts, various needles sticking out of her" oh God" Mei covered her mouth seeing what was done, my eyes filled with tears. Slowly walking towards her to get a better look Veliona suddenly released the chain and Kirye ran like a rabid animal at me, pushing me to the ground emanating loud growls and snarls" what the hell has gotten into you, wake the fuck up it's me Kiana!" I yelled" Mei help me!" Mei tried grabbing Kirye off me but only ending up getting bit in the arm instead.

Mei's loud screams could be heard, Veliona and another girl I did not know we're standing there laughing there asses off like this was a comedy"oh no, not good~" Veliona teased" at this rate she'll die by either the bite or poison caused by the infection" Veliona giggled, I had no choice. Grabbing the gun out of my pocket  and aiming, I hesitated for a moment before seeing Mei's shaky hand turn into a thumbs up and firing.

Opening my eyes to see Kirye's limp body on the ground, tears ran down my face, dropping the gun I fell to my knees. Veliona and whatever thing that was laughed even harder"well damn what a show!" The girl beside her clapped"shut up!" I screamed "you killed your own fiance, what will the police think about you now. The town hero turned murderer? I love that headline" Veliona howled with laughter"wait so does this mean I get my treat now?" Veliona asked excitedly" yes doll, don't worry right after this is cleaned up I'll give you your reward~" Looking away at the two sick motherfuckers who wanted to laugh and have the nerve to start making out in front of me. Mei finally crawled out from under my dead fiance and went straight to comforting me with her uninjured arm.

"I'm sorry I couldn't make it up to you, I failed you I'm so sorry" Mei cried"Mei your arm is bleeding too much, we need to get you to a hospital-" A bandage was thrown at my head " use this, make do with it I'm not giving out medical supplies that's extra payment and seeing how this one went. I don't think you'll want to ask for anymore favors for free from me ever again because these are the kind of punishments I have on my list, now get the fuck out I'm trying to get laid" grabbing the bandages and putting them in my pockets, then wrapping mei's arm around my shoulder as I helped her back to my apartment to get treated.

When back at the apartment I assisted to her wounds even though Mei was stubborn enough to ty and not let me help I did it anyway, while wrapping her arm in the bandages those sick women gave us we began to chat" is your room always this messy" Mei asked, sounding exhausted"nah this is from Kirye, went into the diary I kept" I responded"what exactly was in that diary?" Mei questioned"everything about you, how much I missed you and wanted-" Sighing I cutt myself off.

I remember Kirye hated when I did that, I finally finished wrapping her arm and began to put the medical supplies on the bedside table. Too exhausted to deal with them right now" please can we talk about this, please stop closing yourself off from me. I know I did something terrible today but I just wanted to-" I had enough and shoved her to the bed on her good arm and kissed her, pulling away the tears came back, falling on her cheeks

"Stop blaming yourself, you are everything to me. God I love you Mei! And I'm so stupid to have not realized it in the three years I had to grow up! I had three years to face my issues head on like I said I would but all I've been doing is running! I never loved Kirye! Our entire relationship I longed for you, and I'm so selfish for doing so! I'm so selfish for telling you all this on the day she died! I never got to apologize! I never got to tell her why! It just.." I finally broke down in tears, Mei pushed me down onto her and let me cry on top of her as she caressed my head lulling me to sleep..

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