Happy Medicine

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It's been 2 days since Mei's seizure, Kiana hardly goes on missions anymore and has devoted all of her PTO to taking care of Mei day in and day out. That strange glowing energy was spreading, and Kiana went to every specialist in HoTown, and nobody could help every doctor was stumped.

So there she sat at her desk in her small apartment, contemplating her next course of action. She never relented she wasn't going to let Mei die. Sighing, she took out her pack of cigarettes but took a moment before opening the pack that had already been run through halfway due to the sheer stress of Mei's condition.

Didn't Veliona say she could help her...? But how? How would she know what's ailing Mei when even the best doctors couldn't? She hated the idea of it at all, but she had to figure it out for herself.

After getting off the bus, she began to start walking down the streets of Arc City. The city was quiet and desolate like no living soul had lived there. Walking down a back alleyway and seeing that all too familiar door at the back of the warehouse made her uneasy, sweat dripped down her face as her hands shook and her breath hitched.

Composing herself, she knocked on the door, feeling stupid as it was a warehouse she cursed at herself. Nobody would be able to hear the knocking in such a big buildi- the door creeked open and she was greeted by veliona"ya know, we could've met up at my place or a park, dont you got trauma or somthin' from your last visit?" Pushing the thoughts down, she mustered up the courage to reply

"I need your help" kiana said regretably, not daring to make eye contact a small grin formed on Velionas face "come in then" she said opening the door wider for her, leading her into a small room with blankets and food"why is this here? Kiana questioned, " Sometimes home dont feel like home," and veliona left it at that, kiana knew better than to pry. Veliona sat down on one of the bean bags, and kiana sat on the carpated floor.

"As you've observed, i dont do favors for free it comes with a price veliona said, smiling, curling her finger around kianas hair. Kiana turned her nose up in disgust, backing away towards the mirror" what do i have to do" kiana questioned" i mean theres nothing left to take from the great herisercher of the void can i?" Veliona grinned" if its somthing sick like murder im out i will find another way" Veliona giggled and grabbed kianas chin with a smile etched across her face" you dont have any options here do you, either accept my offer or let the bitch rot"

Kiana was genuinely distubed and angry she'd just let me die like this. "Trust me, i couldn't care less if she dies. im just being nice, take it, or leave it," Veliona giggled, walking to sit on a chair in the corner of the room. Kiana chewed on the thought for a moment before finally answering, "Fine, do whatever it takes. i dont care if it kills me. Just tell me what's killing her it cant just be some unknown disease?" Kiana stated.

"Great! Risking your life in a deal with me is the greatest, most smartest thing your little stupid bleeding heart mind could have thought of, " veliona said sarcastically with the sweetest smile she could muster extending her hand in front of kiana.

Kiana hesitantly shook it, but once she opened her hand, a vile appeared. "Administer that in her IV weekly, and she'll be fine, dont question what it is you'll know in due time now kindly get the fuck out" Veliona said passive aggressively pushing Kiana out the building.

Kiana smiled as she pulled out the fresh pack of cigarettes

'Smoke safely!'

'Or not go die' :)

Kiana audibly laughed at the gesture and began walking back to Shickizal HQ..

Arriving in the hospital kiana saw Mei was a loy better from before, but to be safe she still administered the medicine in her IV, her BP went back to normal and she seemed to be breathing fine for now. Kiana sighed, dropping to her knees in exhaustion as the other nurse guided her to a chair"you've worked hard enough, rest now we will take care of her today" Kiana smiled weakly and with the assistance of the other nurse helping her stand Kiana began walking home, but not without giving mei a kiss on the forehead.

Kiana had unrelenting thoughts that this was all her doing, if she hadnt been so selfish, if she hadnt been so weak, if she could just stop being a valky-" Kiana visibly smacked herself concerning the people who passed her by. She wasn't going to give up on her only dream, the one thing she worked so hard for. Entering her apartment she fond a note taped to her door from theresa

-regarding the recent concern of bryona, you are expected to arrive at my office tomorrow

She just couldnt catch a break could she, taking the note down she fiddled with her keys and stepped inside. The room had been a mess and her pill bottle was empty, flopping on her bed kiana passed out the first 2 minutes on it. Finally getting some much needed rest.

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