Dreamy Nightmares

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Waking up in an unfamiliar bed, my mind is cloudy, and my legs are a bit numb. What the hell happened to me? Looking around the strange room I noticed I'm not in my apartment, what happened last night. Did I get drunk again and wander off into someone else's house? Impossible right? I'd be in prison by now, looking to the side of the bed I saw that I've always dreamed of waking up to for the past 3 years now. Mei was cuddling up to me, her arms wrapped around my waist. She seemed so conformable yet so exhausted, turning to face her I began to softly stroke her soft purple hair. It was always so long and pretty, I'm so glad she maintained that way.


Aren't I forgetting something?


Oh God it's all coming back to me now

I let her touch me

I let her kiss me

I cheated on my fiance

And there was no going back

Panicking I quickly got up from the bed, waking Mei"what's wrong" she spoke in a drowsy voice, sitting up" I can't do this, this is wrong. I'm fucking engaged Mei, what will Kirye think if she finds this out. I need to go" I found my shoes in the corner of the room while Mei tried grabbing my hand" wait please let's talk" I snatched my hand away from hers"yeah, said that last night and you ended up coaxing me with sex. Just get away from me" the expression I saw before turning away from her and down the stairs was heartbreaking, either way I couldn't think about her right now. maneuvering my way around the building I found the exit and ran out, It was now morning and the sun shined bright I realized I was wearing her clothes. It smelled like her, it was so comforting.

Smacking myself to my senses I began speed walking down the unfamiliar street, I didn't know where I was going or where I'd go to. I didn't have my phone, I didn't have my wallet either, they were all back at the apartment. Walking to a nearby bus stop I asked the driver where HoTown was, It was an hour away from here. And going on foot would be harder" is there any way you could take me to the next station that leads to HoTown"got the money for the trip miss?" I hesitated before saying no" then I'm afraid I cant drive you, company policy ma'am not my rules" nodding I got off the bus and watched it drive away"the hell am I gonna do, I have no money to take the bus"

Frustratingly kicking a can into the street I sat down on the bench contemplating my options, there was an old woman there I hadn't seen before my outburst"excuse me young lady" the woman said, turning to her I saw she had 200Yen in her hand along with some change" it isn't much but it'll at least get you on the bus" the woman smiled warmly"thank you so much, this means a lot" I said taking the money out of her hands gently" no problem sweetie, just remember to pay the kindness forward"

When the bus finally came the woman stood up and I let her get on first, paying what she owed the driver and using the money she gave me I paid as well, sitting down in the front awaiting my destination

Next stop: HoTown

Waving the lady goodbye I exited the bus stop finally on my street and walked 15 minutes to my apartment building, opening the door and stepping inside I walked towards the elevator, in a hurry to grab my phone and call Kirye. But what would I tell her, how would she respond, all these things ran through my head as the elevator door opened, stepping inside and pressing the number 4 I waited for the elevator to reach my floor and got out.

Walking to my apartment I found I left it unlocked that night, stepping inside the place was still a mess. Stepping through crumpled up pieces of paper and shattered glass I finally reached my phone, turning it on and seeing I had 5 missed calls from Kirye. I immediately called her back but the line was dead, I called a second time but the line was dead again.

Beginning to panic thinking she'd done something to herself I searched on Google about where her last location might have been I always make her turn on location in fear of something bad happening to her one day. finally getting it to work It said she was in"Dell's Warehouse" I was confused because no such thing existed here, grabbing the gun I had in my bedside table stuffing it into my pocket.

I knew something happened, it says she never left. Fear raging in my heart my phone rang again, it was an unknown number. I usually just don't answer these but I felt just this once couldn't hurt" hello?" Getting irritated by her I hung up the phone only for her to call 3 times over, knowing how persistent she was I finally just answered "what the fuck do you want, the fuck does "stay away from me" mean to you huh!" I yelled but Mei kept her composure" I know where Kirye is, this is the last I'll ever speak to you if you want that but I need to explain some things to you first in person" Becoming even more irritated by her" wow just so you can fuck me again, absolutely not!" I yelled

"I don't want anything else from you, I know you want nothing to do with me just let me help you. What are you gonna do when you get there huh? These people are no joke, I know them personally" confused I asked"You know them?" Mei responded with" yes" this made me infuriated" DID YOU PUT A FUCKING BOUNTY ON HER GODAMN HEAD, I SWEAR TO GOD IF THEYVE TOUCHED A HAIR ON HER HEAR YOU'LL BE NEXT" I shouted, I've never been so angry at her. I've never hated a person so much in my life, I loved her, but I hated her. I dont know who this person is anymore"just listen to me, we need to talk in person please" Mei pleaded" answer the question now, did you put a bounty on her head"

A few minutes passed before she spoke again" it wasn't a bounty, it was a deal I made with someone. I didn't expect her to find Kirye and use her as payment for our deal. if I didn't she would've taken you as payment instead, all I wanted was to know where you were located so we could talk this turned into something I never wanted to happen I promise you" covering my mouth as slow tears ran down my face" all this just to find where I was, did you ever stop and think this was too far" My voice wavering as more tears fell" yes, I felt guilty ever since I got the call. But I promise I didn't intend to hurt her, I just wanted to talk to you and it went wrong. She'd been giving me so many work related favors for free and wanted payment but I didnt expect it to be so early"

It was hard to stop myself from collapsing" please I'm sorry" I dropped to the ground and cried"we don't have much time, please listen to me" Mei pleaded"I'm done listening to you" my voice cracked under the pressure"please I'll make this up to you I promise" crying harder I managed to choke up words" there's no way you could ever do that, you hurt me in so many ways and even my fiance is kidnapped because of you" I cried" there's a way we can save her you just have to trust me, please we don't have much time" Mei begged"fine, what is it" I sniffled wiping my eyes" meet me at 4089 Twood street"

I'll explain everything

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