1- Perfect

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Quick tw, this chapter has slight mentions of smut but it doesn't go into any sort of detail or anything.

Tauriel was perfect. Kili always thought- no, he always knew she was. Her smooth, pale skin. Her piercing eyes of emerald green. Her soft, pink lips. Her long locks of auburn hair with intricate braids. Her adorable, pointed ears. Her long legs. Her slim yet toned arms. Her slender and capable hands. All of it he loved. He would change no single thing about her. If only Tauriel had felt the same about herself. 

Unlike most elves, Tauriel never took much pride in her looks. She had always felt inferior to the elves with silvery, blonde hair like Thranduil or Legolas. She had been told many times that her toned body was unattractive compared to most elf womens' bodies. She often found herself comparing her chest size to other elf women and soon became insecure about the smallness of them. She did not like how her thighs or arse looked and was often grateful that her uniform covered them. She hated how thin her lips were compared to other elves. She really never had anything to like about herself. And it didn't just end at looks. 

Since Tauriel was a small child, she had always been told to be prim and proper. But she had always found it extremely difficult to conform to the regular customs of elven women. She had always preferred being reckless and taking risks wherever she could, trying to find some sort of adventure at every possible chance. She found the adrenaline to be almost addictive. But she was often berated for her carelessness and her lack of "acting like a proper elf." This scolding soon got to her, and she began to hate her longing for adventure. She began to hate that she could not control her urges to take risks. She began to hate everything about herself. She even hated how skilled she was in combat, as it wasn't common amongst the elf women of Mirkwood. But it did always come in very handy when she got herself into trouble. It also seemed to come in handy when a certain dwarf came along. 

Ever since the two saw one another, Tauriel always caught Kili staring at her. She found it odd, but she just told herself he was staring because he thought she was unattractive and was pointing out every possible flaw. And, oh, how wrong she was. 

The two had begun to become closer after the war ended. The rebuilding of Erebor as well as Laketown and Dale had begun. Tauriel stayed and helped with the rebuilding process. Thorin was a bit hesitant to let her into Erebor but gave her the benefit of the doubt. After all, she did save Kili. Multiple times. 

Kili spent every possible second with Tauriel, making sure no dwarves ever had anything negative to say about her. He rebuilt with her, ate with her, fetched things for her. She never asked him to do these things. He did them on his own accord. It was strange to have someone care so much about her.

One evening as the two were polishing some old pillars in Erebor, Kili cleared his throat. Tauriel looked at him.

"It will be fairly dark by the time you return to Laketown," he said. Tauriel had been sleeping in one of the homes in Laketown as all of the other Mirkwood elves that had come to help. She nodded, putting her focus back to the pillar.

"Yes," she said, "I know. Why do you bring this up?"

"Well, I was wondering if perhaps you would like to stay with me tonight." he said. Tauriel stopped and looked at him again.

Though dwarves were short, their beds seemed to be rather large, especially those of royalty. Thorin's bed had apparently been huge, at least according to Bilbo, who also stayed behind to help with rebuilding. Though Tauriel suspected it had more to do with the way Bilbo and Thorin looked at each other. The fact that Bilbo knew the size of Thorin's bed when the dwarf let seemingly no one into his sleeping quarters was enough to raise some eyebrows.

That night Tauriel found herself in one of these large beds, Kili's to be more specific. She stared at the tall ceilings of stone, slightly fidgeting with one of the furs on top of her. She was wearing a simple, light jade nightgown that stopped just before her knees. Her hair currently had no braids in it, making it slightly longer. Kili was laying next to her. He had also been previously staring at the ceiling, but his eyes were now closed. She made sure to keep still as she did not want to accidentally touch him.

"Tauriel," he suddenly said. She looked over to see him looking right back.


"You stay so still. You are clearly wide awake. Why do you hesitate to sleep?" Tauriel looked away.

"I do not want to bump into you and disturb your rest. Besides it would be of no pleasure to be touched by me in any way I'm sure."

"What? What do you mean, fair elf?" Tauriel blinked and looked at him.

"Fair? I would hardly call myself fair."

"Why? Who would not consider you fair?" Tauriel sighed and explained what had been said to her throughout her life. Kili looked both confused and upset.

"This may be sharing too much but I also find my breasts are rather small compared to many.." She mumbled. Kili moved closer to her and reached his hand up to her cheek, moving her head to look at him.

"Tauriel," he whispered. "You are the most beautiful creature my eyes have ever had the pleasure of looking upon." Tauriel's cheeks went pink. She moved her eyes away from Kili.

"That cannot be true.." she whispered.

"Oh, but it is." Tauriel looked back at him.

"No, it is not. I'm am simply unattractive. There is nothing you can do to prove otherwise." Kili frowned.

"Could I try to prove it?" He asked. Tauriel hesitated but eventually nodded. He removed the duvet and furs from both of them as he sat up.

Through the rest of the night, Kili kissed and complimented every part of her body that he could reach. When she tried to cover her chest, saying he wouldn't like it, he smiled and gently removed her hands and cupped her breasts with calloused hands, telling her they were wonderful.

Kili made Tauriel feel many ways that night, every feeling being positive. He made the most sensitive parts of her tender. He pulled the most beautiful of noises from her lips. He made her normally sturdy legs tremble. And Kili thought one thing throughout the entire night. Oh, yes, it was true.

Tauriel was perfect.

A/N: idk how to feel about this but I do know that I LOVE WRITING KILIEL

(1163 words including A/N)

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