3- The clearing

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Tauriel sat on the ground, listening to the wind blow through the trees. Her face was solemn. Her eyes were red and slightly puffy, her mouth drawn into a taut line. Her knees were pulled up to her chest, her back resting against a sturdy log, facing away from the opening of trees where she entered the clearing. 

She had loved this clearing when she was small. It was once green and flourished with bright flowers, just as the rest of the forest used to be. She remembered being just an elfling, walking through the forest to relax in this exact spot. She remembered Legolas helping her to bring logs to the clearing to use as seating. She remembered feeling happy and content here. But that was many a year ago. As was her longing to see the forest alive with animals and greenery. She no longer missed seeing everything alive and well. It would have been too painful now. 

Ever since Kili had been lost in battle, Tauriel was never the same. She did not smile, did not laugh. She hardly spoke. She never sought the company of others. She became angry when spoken to. She had snapped multiple times at many elves. Everyone eventually gave up on approaching her. Except for Legolas. 

He always sat next to her at meals. He would try to go patrolling with her. He would bring her food and drink if she did not arrive at dinner. He would try to offer her words of comfort. But every attempt was futile. No matter what Legolas did, Tauriel continued to pull away. It made Legolas sad to see his best friend of so many years hurting this much.

Legolas walked through the many dead trees, looking for Tauriel. He had not seen her at all that day or the one before and he was becoming worried. She had a habit of wandering into the woods and not returning until someone, usually being Legolas, retrieved her. 

He soon came upon a clearing. Relief washed over him as he spotted Tauriel, her back against a log, her knees pulled up and her head resting on them. Legolas took a step forward, a twig cracking beneath him. Tauriel's head shot up.

"It is alright, my friend," Legolas said as he continued walking. "I am not here to harm you." Tauriel did not turn her head. Legolas reached the side of the log, now opposite of Tauriel's back. Her shoulders were tense. Her arms were wrapped around her legs, her hands balled into fists. "Tauriel. Will you look at me?" Legolas said, his voice soft. 

"Leave," Tauriel said. Her voice was raspy and cold. It was so different from how it was only months ago. 

"I am worried for you, Tauriel."

"You do not need to be worried. I am capable of taking care of myself. Now leave."

"But you are not, Tauriel. You do not eat unless I force you to. You leave with no explanation and you do not come back unless I fetch you. You put yourself into dangerous situations. You are changed, Tauriel. You are not the elf I knew-" In an instant, Tauriel was standing, now facing Legolas with her arm outstretched. Legolas felt something cold and metal against his neck. He moved his eyes down and saw the handle of one of her daggers. 

"I SAID LEAVE." Legolas looked at Tauriel. Her face was devoid of any color. Her eyes were cold and angry. Her breathing was labored. Legolas frowned. 

"Please, Tauriel," Legolas whispered. "Will you not let me help you, nin iar mellon..?" Tauriel's face contorted into a frown. Her lip trembled. Her arm dropped. She let out a sob. Legolas stepped over the log to stand next to her. She looked at him, tears beginning to pour down her face. He opened his arms. She let out another sob and walked into his embrace. He wrapped his arms around her as she sobbed into his shoulder, her dagger dropping to the ground as her anger was forgotten.

"I- I am so sorry, Legolas.." she whispered when she had calmed down a bit. "You do not deserve this hostility.." Legolas rubbed up and down her back.

"I am not angry with you. I know the grief you have to endure." Tauriel let out a tiny laugh.

"Even after all I have put you through, you still care about me." Legolas smiled. 

"Of course. I have known and cared for you since you were an elfling. And I continue to do so." Tauriel let out a small sob and wrapped her arms around Legolas.

"Thank you, muindor." Legolas smiled.

"Of course, muinthel."

Translations: nin iar mellon - my old friend, muindor - brother, muinthel - sister

A/N: I just kinda got this idea out of nowhere and uh yea. Not sure how I feel about it but I love the idea of Legolas and Tauriel loving each other as siblings and calling each other brother and sister. I feel like it just suits their dynamic much more. Plus he's 2,331 years older than her so I mean-

(847 words, including A/N)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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