2- Relaxed

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Kili was laying in bed, his head resting on a fluffy, feathered pillow. The duvet was soft and rather fluffy beneath his weight. His breathing was slow, a small smile playing at his lips. He felt calm. Content. Though he was not exactly sure why. Something just felt right. Being where he was in this moment. Something about it made everything seem so wondrously relaxed. 

He heard the door to his chambers open. His smile became slightly bigger. He did not open his eyes as another weight joined his own on the bed. He just continued to smile. Cool, slender fingers ran through his long locks of hair. 

"Dearest of elves," Kili whispered. Tauriel gave a small 'shh' and placed her mouth over his. Kili's smile grew. He reached up and placed his hand on the back of her neck, deepening the kiss. They soon separated, Kili now opening his eyes to see Tauriel, her lips pulled into a small smile, her cheeks dusted with pink. "My beautiful gem.." Kili whispered, tucking a lock of auburn hair behind a pointed ear. He cupped her jaw in the palm of his hand, stroking her cheek with his thumb. Tauriel let out a breath, an edge of laughter lingering on it. 

"Melleth nin," Tauriel replied, once again running her long fingers through Kili's surprisingly soft locks of hair. Kili sighed and let his eyelids fall once again. Tauriel continued to play with his hair, braiding some of his locks, merely twirling others around her fingers. 

Her hands traveled from his hair to his face, cupping it in her hands and drawing circles on his cheeks with her thumbs. Kili let out a breathy chuckle. 

"I know how beautiful I am," Kili said, chuckling. "It seems you do as well, no?"

"Hush yourself, dwarf," Tauriel said, also chuckling. Kili opened his eyes once more. He moved to sit up against the head-board, forcing Tauriel to remove her hands. He gestured for Tauriel to move forward. She obliged, and the two met in another slow, sweet kiss. Tauriel rested her weight onto Kili as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her as close as possible.

Eventually, the two ended up under the duvet, silently cuddling. Kili would plant small kisses on Tauriel's shoulder, neck, or cheek. Every time she would smile. Her eyelids soon began to slide shut, and Kili smiled. He loved how she looked when she relaxed, when she let her guard down. She looked so peaceful. 

"For such a magnificent creature to have roamed the earth without my knowledge is really a shame," Kili whispered. "I much would have liked to have known your beauty sooner." Tauriel's smile widened.

"And I yours, ernil nin," she whispered, cuddling somehow even closer to Kili. He ran his hands through her soft hair and sighed. He wished to stay this way forever, his dear Tauriel in his arms, their breathing in sync. He never wanted to leave.

Translations: Meleth nin - my beloved; ernil nin - my prince

(501 words)

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