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Minjae's POV

Blah blah blah I though, I was in history class and the teacher was talking nonestop. He was annoying me to be honest , I didn't understand none of what he was saying. Wednesdays are really boring ..

My body was in his class but my mind was sleeping, I mean, what do you except an 18 years old girl's mind at 8:00 A.m..

I wanted to sleep so bad but I couldn't, I didn't want an hour of detention though. "Miss Lee are you listening" oh shi- " uh- uhm yeah I'm listening" I said awkwardly, sitting straight "I hope so" he replied.

Damn this man is really an annoying bitch
"I'll explain the rest in the next cla-" DRING DRING DRINGG.

"FINALLY" I sighed and dashed out of the class. That shitty of the class was finally over.
I was walking to my next class until-
"Yah Lee minjae" I heard someone yelling that. "YEJI" I said and ran to her. I hugged her so hard "yeji I missed you a lot" I said while hugging her.

She let go of the hug "samee~ I missed you so much"

Yeji is my best friend, her and I were best friends since second grade and now we're in uni so that means a lot of time. We've been always together. Spending most of our days with eachother.

"What class do you have now?" She asked "Math" I hated math but I always had the best grades. "with Mr. Kim?" asked Yeji. " yess" I said excitedly "the one that is so tall and handsome and he wears glasses some times?" She asked ." yeahh, it's just something about him that makes me wanna study math." I told her while linking my arms with hers.  "I know right! Anyways let's go" she then hugged my arm and we headed to the class.

I was walking peacefully to the next class until I heard an annoying mosquito-kind-of voice "BOO" that son of a bi- "OMG GYU" I said excited and embraced him. He was my guy best friend and I loved him so much he was a really good best friend , annoying but funny as fuck.

"AWW MINJAE" he hugged me back, but I feel like he was trying to kill me since he hugged me so hard. "HEY HEY GET THE FUCK OUT GYU IT'S MY TURN" yet I heard another loud and annoying voice yelling "MI-" as I tried to say his name he engulfed me in a hug, that hard that I couldn't breath.

"Aww minmin I missed you a lot" he said then faked a cry.

"AWWW MEANHOE ME TOO, by the way you grew up you look so good to be honest" he glared me for calling him 'meanhoe' but I guess he's used to it by now. He let go of the hug "I know I'm hot" he then smirked and flipped his long brown hair.

Me, Yeji, Beomgyu and Minho were best friend from a really long time ago. I think we met each other in sixth grade; All three of them were so pretty and beautiful,

Yeji had long brown curly hair

(How it looks like)

(How it looks like)

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