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Minjae's POV

The second my feet touched the cold water, I shivered and smiled ear to ear. I held Chaewon's hand and we started to splash the water.

The shalap shooloop sound of the water made us smile more.

"Chae, hop on me I'm gonna throw you in the water" I said smiling at her.

"Let's wet our heads first"

"You're in?"

"Always" I smiled at her and held my nose and went inside the water. It was our thing to wet our hair with doing a holding-breath competition and see who can hold in their breaths more. We always did this ever since we were younger.

"Uh I can't do this anymore." Came out a Chaewon out of the water, gasping for air.

"I won! AGAIN" I said happily as I joined her, also gasping for air.

"Now c'mon hop" I went under the water again for her to hop on my back. Once she did, I came out of the water and counted

"Okay, get ready.."



"One!" And with that, I thrower her in the water. The water splashed everywhere and I started to laugh.

She came out of the water. Her hair covering her face.

"Now your turn hop on"

She went under the water for me to be able to hop on her back. I hopped on her back and she came out of the water and started to talk.

"You want me to count?" She asked.

"No-" as I was about to say something I already felt the water embrace me.

I came out of the water and gasped for air.

"You bitch!" And she started to laugh at my expression and my state.

"Where's Yeji by the way?" I asked curious. "I don't know, maybe making out with dudes?" She said more like asking me and I chuckle at her and went out of the water.

"I'm gonna eat something and come back" I shouted so she could hear me.

She nodded and showed me a thumbs up. I sat at the cloth on the sand and saw other boys busy playing with each other.

Chan and Felix splashing water at each other and Chaewon laughing at them, Jeongin and Changbin hoping on each other's backs, like what Chae and I did. Then there was Beomgyu, Seungmin and jisung doing a swimming race. Yeji was sleeping and tanning her body with Minho next to her making a sand castle and chit-chatting with Yeji.

But, where was Hyunjin? Speak of the devil, I felt like someone sat next to me. I turned my head and saw Hyunjin sitting next to me. I looked at him and he looked back at me. I tilted my head and looked at him confused.

Hyunjin's POV

Cute. The way she tilted her head and looked at me was cute. But in general, she looked so fucking breathtaking. Her swimsuit fitted her body and showed her chest line clearly oh god. With water dropping off her pretty pointy nose. Her hair around her neck, and that when I noticed the ..


I touched her mark and she was off guard and jolted in her seat from the sudden skin contact.
"The mark"


"The mark, the foundation is removed by the water, so the mark is visible"

"Ah. Yeah right" she chuckled and pouted and now it was my turn to chuckle.

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