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He reaches his baby hand out to the beautiful ruby bracelet his mum was giving him.

"Make me proud okay?" His mum pinches his cheeks.


That was the only fond memory he had of his mum.

He lives with his aunt now, his dad left him when he around 6 years old it's because his dad found someone "better" than his mum.

"AXEL! COME DOWNSTAIRS" His aunt was calling him.

He went downstairs with no energy at all and walked straight to the living room to see a familiar figure sitting there.

"Your teacher from 6th grade do you remember him?" His aunt re introduces the guy.

"Yes I do remember him" Axel mumbles.

"Well, I'm dating him and he's going to become your new uncle!" His aunt says very excitedly waiting for Axel's reaction.

Axel stares at her in shock and fear...

His aunt doesn't know this but his 6th grade teacher made Axel fall into depression and made him traumatised.


"Sir why did you need me?"

"For something.." The teacher smirks.

"Sir w-what are you doing.?"


Axel keeps staring at his aunt in shock.

"What's wrong? Isn't that great?" His aunt said.

"No. I'm happy for you!" Axel says not wanting to hurt his aunt's feelings.

"Thank you no wonder your mum loves you" His aunt gives him a tight hug.

"Axel will you accept me as your uncle?" His teacher smirks at him.

"Uh... yeah um.. of course I will"


2 years later...


"AXEL! Why not?! He won't do anything to you he's your uncle!"His aunt screams at him before leaving out the door.

Axel stares horrified when he sees his aunt's car leaving.
He looks behind him to see his "uncle"

"It's just the two of us now, just like before don't worry it will last only a few hours until she comes back" Stevenson, his uncle says.

"Please, leave me alone" Axel mumbles. As his heart starts to beat faster.

Stevenson comes closer to him and he leans in making Axel startled.

"I did this to you before how are you not used it?" He smirks as he grabbed Axel arm and drags him to the bedroom.


"Yes you will be begging very soon"

Axel heart races so fast as tears start to slowly form.

"Whay are you crying? I thought you would like it" Stevenson laughs at himself.

He them starts to take Axel's clothes off as he pinned him into the bed.

"It's not going to take long don't worry baby"

He starts to reach down to Axel's pants.

He flinched and start to cry as he remembers that the exact same thing happend in 6th grade.

After 3 hours his aunt was supposed to come back so Stevenson left Axel undressed and left the room to go downstairs to not make it look suspicious.

The door lock unlocks and his aunt come inside.

"Hello dear Where's Axel?"

"I don't know I think he's in his room"

"Oh alright"


His aunt will never know since Axel doesn't like talking about the things that bother him all he wants to do is give revenge and destroy everything out of frustration but since he is a minor and can't really do anything about it. He only 15.

He wants to take revenge for everything especially what happened to his mum 6 years ago. He will never forget that he will take revenge.

No matter what. He will.


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