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2 years later....

"We are already in college" Jay exclaims.

"And?" Axel rolls his eyes in frustration.

"Come on, be more energetic. I know that people bothered you a few minutes ago but their just stupid people who don't know how to give a second chance" 

"Whatever" Axel crosses his arms.

"Let's go to your house!"

After a few minutes they arrived at Axel's house.

They were getting comfortable in the bed when Jay realised that Axel was zoning out.

"Axel hello?"

"Oh uh sorry" Axel apologised.

"That's the 4th time today. What's wrong?" Jay asked.

"I'm just well I don't feel comfortable... Everywhere I go. It- I don't know" Axel was about to say something but stopped and switched.

"College huh? Oh come will be great! New people New friends!" Jay explained.

"Yeah I guess" Axel agreed a little.

"I love you!" Jay exclaimed.

"I love you too" Axel replies.

"Anyways....LET'S PLAY VIDEOGAMES!" Jay yelled.

"I knew you were going to say that" Axel rolled his eyes knowing he's going to win.

"Watch and learn" Jay says.

After playing for 15 minutes Axel won again.



"No we are not doing it again, I'm exhausted. Today was a good day"

Jay went home after kissing Axel in the forehead.

And Axel ended up sleeping earlier.

They can't live without eachother, once Axel hasn't responded to one text and Jay came running out of breath to check if he was okay.

Yes they are now dating!

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