Your safe with Me

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Jay's Pov-

I was so worried for Axel, I didn't see him in 2 weeks and it made me worried sick. Where could he be? Why is he hiding? I'll protect him.

I decided to go look around the city to go look for him for the 3rd time today.

They say 3rd time is the charm so I'm going to look for him today again.

I kept walking everywhere to see if I could see him. But at the end I went inside an alleyway.


"Axel? Are you here buddy?" He says.

He then sees a figure sitting down on the ground with his head on his knees with brown hair. It was Axel.

"Buddy... Why are you here?" He hugged him tightly.

He can hear the quiet sobs of Axel.

"It's okay your safe with me now, no one will hurt you" Jay comforted.

"J-jay? Why do you not h-hate me? I completely destroyed e-everything, I'm a monster I deserve to suffer" Axel says through his sobs.

"No you don't deserve to suffer you was just hurt by everything that was happening in your life, you couldn't handle it, especially when you didn't tell anyone about your problems"

"Thank you....Jay"

Jay then realised the recent bruises that Axel has in his face.

"Let me guess this was the bullies?" Jay said very pissed.

Axel went silent.

"You can tell me..." Jay said.

"It wasn't the bullies, it was the other citizens" Axel replied.

"What? Why would they do that!?" Jay said even more angry now.

"They called me a monster and well it's true...I hurt a whole city I was crazy" Axel said coldly.

"You 'was' that was a few weeks ago come on everyone deserves a second chance" Jay comforted. "As I said Your safe with me"

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