He's back

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Jay heard the ringing! HE'S BACK!

He teleported himself to the place that the villain would be in.

"Missed me?" The villain smirked after seeing Jay.

"Nah I just got a question would you date older girls?" Jay asked kinda nervous.

But a car was thrown at him.

"Yeah I guess that's a no" Jay threw a van at the villain for revenge. "You know you really need a therapy because why would you want to destroy innocent people's lives?"

"SHUT UP WHY DO YOU CARE?!" The villain got angry at the stupid question. "And why are you acting like a interviewer? Asking me so many fucking questions"

"Meh, plus your life seems interesting" Jay sarcastically said.

"If you want to have my life so badly then you can have it I DON'T CARE if you like being fucked by a probably 42 year old man then fine with me" He tried to sound sarcastically and Jay wondered if what he said was true or not.

"Not actually real I was being SARCASTIC!" He gets annoyed.

"Yeah right plus my sister said you are cute and she said she would love to date you" Jay rolles his eyes.

"Oh yeah? Why didn't you say that?" He grinned, then throwing a punch at Jay.

"BITCH! WHAT THE FUCK?!" Jay yelled.

"Now leave me alone?" The villain asked.


Well. The villain was more powerful but he still got defeated in the end.


Jay went home after that fight, and well Axel went to a park and just sat there.

"I asked him and he didn't answer the question he just threw a random car at me" Jay sighed.

"WHAT?! That probably is a yes! I'm going to date him you better not tell dad about this"

"I won't but you have to owe me" Jay offers.

"Fine!" She annoyed said.


Axel's Pov-

I was sitting at one of the swings at the park it was probably really late but they wouldn't care, will they? Especially aunt I told her that i hate her she probably happy to see me out the house...

"You know you really need therapy"

"You have no use of living"

"You idiot"

All those words hurt and I can just imagine how badly the citizens would feel about me... but then why should I be the one suffering? Why can't everyone suffer? It's not fair.

I just want to die...


I look up at the sky, to see that there is no starts because of the pollution.

I checked his phone to see that it was already 4:24.

Well atleats I wasn't home that's better than anything.

"Jay...So that's your name..Jay"

What a stupid name?

Shit. I told him about uncle fuck. It's fine he probably thinks that I was being sarcastic.

"You seem interesting"

Interesting? Yeah it is... Not in a good way. Having a dead mum, a dad that left an aunt who probably hates me now and an uncle that rapes me. Yeah very interesting....

I chuckle at myself.

Should I go home now? Yeah I should.

I got off of the swing to go home when there were random guys walking past me and then they suddenly dashed at me grabbing both of my arms.

Shit. It's them... My bullies.

Well, I can't really fight back. I just don't want to I deserve the beatings. NO I DON'T WAIT WHAT?!

What was that thought? Why would I think such a thing?

They obviously beat me up and looked through my pockets but they didn't see any money so they beat me up more. I mean it was the same routine that's the only thing their good at. Bunch of sick weirdos.

I ended up coming home at 6 in the morning with a bruise on my left cheek.

My aunt noticed and she completely banned me from going out at night.


Jay's Pov-

He came back! Finally I can do something.

I sighed.

"Hm... what was his name again? It started with a N or P, meh I don't remember. Why would his parents give him such a hard name to remember?"

"You need to stop talking to yourself at night!" My sister yelled at me from her room.

She's right though I need to stop that.


I don't know why I'm so happy that he's back but it's probably because I had nothing to do at home.

"Getting fucked by a 43 year old man"

"I'm just being sarcastic"

Sarcastic? What if he wasn't and he just pretended to.

What if he actually does get fucked? IS THAT WHY HE WAS GONE FOR A WHOLE WEEK?!


I'm overthinking it.

Poor guy...

Oh well not my problem.

I shrug it off. I start texting my friends.

I'm probably overthinking it like always.

But atleast he's back.

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