♔3 ~ Boarding School.

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Y/n Mary Victoria. Princess


The train continues to move. The sound of the train wheels, really made me start to feel woke. Clearing my throat after a long rest, I stand up out of my seat. Straightening my black skirt from beneath me. Maybe black wasn't a great idea due to not everyone wearing fully black clothes.

I open the cabin door, to see Oliver standing right outside of it. "Good Morning, Oliver." I smile at him.

He walks back, keeping his distance. He nods, "Good morning your majesty." Returning the smile.

I turn around, heading to the nearest bathroom. Yet to hear footsteps following me once again.
I start walking faster, making Oliver try to catch up. I abruptly stop dead in my tracks. Making Oliver bump right into me.

"You Highness." He looks at me. I look back up at him. His brown eyes. His curly hair, his tall figur-

"My apologies." He stood straight. Looking above my head.

"No, it is my fault." I smile at him. Yet he doesn't see, as he turns around and walks a few steps away. Oliver then turns around, still with a blank expression and a quiet manner.

It was entirely my fault for causing this misshape. I am just so sick and tired of him being here.

I mean if you are going to walk with me, you might as well just walk beside me. Yet he refuses and must stay a few steps behind me.

I reach the lavatory, and I turn around in silence looking at Oliver.

"It will just be a second."

He says nothing in return and I open the door and lock it.


"He is always so stuck-up."

"What do you mean?" Thalia puts her arms on the table that separates us. Her fingers intertwined with each other, forming a fist.

"He always follows me, yet never actually really talks to me, unless I talk to him."

Thalia looks at me weirdly. "I beg your pardon?"

I roll my eyes, "I just wish he would act normal. Treat me like a normal person. For him to be himself and not his duty when he is with me. It's weird."

Thalia takes her arms off the table and rests them in her lap. Sitting up straight and looking forward at me in a polite manner, "[Y/n] It is his job. That is what he is to do."

"What if it is not what I wish for him to do."

Thalia leans forward, onto the table. "Then he would be unemployed. And I am not sure if you want him to have the title of 'Got fired by the princess of Great Britain."

I sigh in defeat. Knowing that it is his duty and that he is brilliant at it. And I should not go out of my way to get him fired for simply being loyal.

We eventually stop. Allowing us to grab our belongings and head to our next destination.

Oliver follows us with no questions asked.

Yet I am the one who has many questions.

Thalia stands tall with all of her belongings in hand. With a wide smile on her face. The sun rising and gleaming on her shiny pearly teeth, and her light brown short hair. She begins walking.

"Wait," I call out.

She turns around, "What's the matter?" She tilts her head. The force pulled her short hair slightly to the right.

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