♔Thank you.

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Authors note


Thank you so much for reading Pristine Royalty

My loves! I will keep this short, but I cannot believe I have finished this book. Again Thank you so much for reading Pristine Royalty! There were times when I lost complete motivation and times when I was on that grind! It has been a rough ride, and hopefully, it was an enjoyable book. Unlike She Blossoms My World, This book was mostly thought-out and planned. I made this concept of a Queen and lover telling their kids a story and the whole book was supposed to be that story they are telling their kids. So this book was just a recreation of that concept of my old book. However, I think I could do even better than this book. 

Updated note: (Guys... the writing in this seems so rushed, I am so sorry. I wish I took my time. Maybe one day I will revise it and make it way more detailed and way better)

This brings me to the next topic.

New Louis Partridge book???


I have another concept that I have made about a Girl who is a Criminal with a troubled past and a random Rich boy. I made this concept for school, a long time ago. Which ended up from being a Thriller to more of a Romance novel. Yet it was school and I did not know how to write nor could go into depth with the romance, SO I am considering remaking it, into another book. I already have all the characters and the first few chapters. Yet just like Pristine Royalty and She Blossoms My World, I always tend to lose motivation all the time in between the making of the books so unfortunately I do not think I will be posting any chapters anytime soon until the book is coming to a close. Making the book have consistent uploads and not months between them. You know what I mean?

I am taking this book In a different Direction and Might also Make it mature, yet with more mature scenes and more mature language. More than this book. Even though this book was a jump from She Blossoms My World


I do have this personal poem book that I might publish... That starts out with poems and ends up with a sweet short ending of two lovers falling in love with each other over poems. Yet I doubt I will post this before the book mentioned above. This is totally a maybe. I may not even publish this book. Let me know if I should!


Thank you again for reading Pristine Royalty. I can not thank you enough for all the support from all of you. It means everything to me. If you do have any suggestions or comments, comment here or direct message my profile! I would love to hear some feedback. Anyway trying not to yap at all...!! Hah. Anyways Thank you all, I appreciate it!

See you later loves!

Pristine Royalty ♔ Louis PartridgeWhere stories live. Discover now