♔10 ~ Boys?

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Y/n Mary Victoria


~Future. (One Months later, After Homecoming.)~

The same routine I have with my housemaidens happens exactly every day around 8 am. Sometimes 6 if there is some sort of special occasion. Yet this time I invited Thalia over. To help me choose.

"I would be confused too." Thalia smiles, sitting at the edge of my huge king-sized bed, with huge fluffy pillows, lily white. Simple shades of green spread in silk, with a huge comforter. She sat in her normal pink nightgown, with small flowers around her chest. 

I am sitting at my high vanity, staring at the gold ridges, curves, and silhouettes, as my housemaidens look at me in the mirror. Fixing my hair into a half up half down due, with curls and flower clips to match my breakfast outfit. 

"I have no idea what to do." I frown, bringing my head down, yet I feel my maids bring it back up as they try to continue perfecting my hair. It looks beautiful enough. There is no such reason for them to be continuing so I wave my hand, saying something along the lines of, 'Thank you, you are released.' and they all walked out of the door. Leaving me some alone time with Thalia. And Oliver of course. He stands right next to my door, staring straight ahead as he always does. "It is simply too much for me, especially after everything we have been through."

Thalia stands up, letting her long nightgown drag on the floor. She puts her hands on my shoulders. "Then tell them both to leave the grounds."

I turn to Oliver, trying to search for something in his eyes. Some advice, something that I should do. He still looks at the wall, not allowing me to get any glimpse in his eyes. The one time I needed Oliver's opinion on something, he didn't give it. "Oliver what should I do."

"I have no say in this matter." 

I cross my arms, "Common on, the one time you don't have something to say to me is now?"

"I only say things that are recommended for you as a princess. That does not include boy problems."

I turn back to look at Thalia, her statement still stands. "No. I can't tell them who I chose yet. I just couldn't"


Louis Partridge


~Present (One Months Ago)~

Feeling my weight getting pushed around a bit, due to the rocky road the carriages are rolling on, making me feel uneasy. "Remind me why you are here again?" I spoke. Trying to get the fact straight into my head. 

"I am here, to see Lilyana... Or [Y/n] Considering it is the princess, and has been the princess the whole time."

I put my head into my hands, as my elbows rest on my knees. "Right. Right. Right." I drop my head, sitting up straight. "And remind me why you care about her?"

"Bloody hell Louis what is up with you?"

I lift an eyebrow, are you kidding me? It was just supposed to be seeing her. You were not a part of a plan that I made a few hours ago. Yet I did not say that, Instead, "What up with me? What's up with you, why are you really here?" 

"I told you, I am here to see [Y/n]" He stood up straight, like it is some sort of competition to be sitting up straight. 

"Why do you want to see her? It is not like she is yours or anything."

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