♔8 ~ Hoco.

73 0 5

-Warning Some mature content ahead!-


Louis Partridge


~Journey entry #1065~

I am conflicted. 

It's difficult to navigate through mixed signals and decipher intentions when one's true feelings are hidden. 

Do I even like her?

I mean it's new to me.

New attraction.

I have been with Sarah for the past school years. And baby, she gets on my nerves. 

We don't even make love anymore, and I'm not sure if that's right.

I bet she is slutting with the other half of the boys at this school. Don't get me wrong, I am like the equivalent of Draco Malfoy with all the ladies. Yet I have not been laid for months, so maybe more Baise Zabini. Fine... Harry Potter himself.

Whatever, this isn't Hogwarts. This is real life.

Like that show even exists. 

Anyway, just my opinion. 

Yet she, Sarah, holds the title of me being hers and she is mine. Yet is she really mine? 

To me, I do not want her.

Everything is confusing.

I have been with Sarah for a long time. She always gets on my nerves. Yet she was there with me since day one.

She just gets on my As- bum... about the same damn shi-

I shouldn't swear in my journal. Especially my growth journal. Maybe I will after in my anger journal.

But [Y/n] 

That moment with her, in the bathroom at the party. 

I felt something different.




 Way different from what I feel when I am with Sarah.

The feeling of blood rushing through your veins, your thoughts transmitting into words.

The kind of feeling that makes your toes curl, and your breath hitch. 

Love. Bubble. Rush.

A feeling that is so rare, amongst the most Pristine ones. 


Y/n Mary Victoria.


"I am not going."

As soon as Thalia mentioned prom, my heart sank. 

The thought of going with Louis' best friend, and also having to see Louis there with Sarah. It was too hard to think about. 

Pristine Royalty ♔ Louis PartridgeWhere stories live. Discover now