♔7 ~ Pas de deux.

76 1 3

-Warning Some mature content ahead!-


Y/n Mary Victoria. Princess


It has been a few hours, and I have been sitting down and reading all about this school.

If I even stay, hopefully, I do not get caught. 

I gasp at the top of my lungs at what I have just read. 

I hear footsteps running towards me. "What Happened!" Thaila ran around the corner, putting her hand on the door frame. 

"There... there is a dance studio. At this fricken school!"

She comes and starts looking through my things. 

"Thalia, what are you even doing?"

Continuing to throw different items all over the room. "Yes!" Standing up, she walks towards me, sitting next to me on my bed. "Here."

Revealing my pointe shoes. "No, no, I don't dance that much anymore. Remember." Pushing my shoes away, and standing up from my bed. Hand on the edge of the tall bed frame, while I walk around the room. 

"Nonsense, you dance beautifully. Just give it a try."

Turning to her, she looked at Thalia in her eyes. As her light brown eyes glimmer at me. Reminding me of the times my dad would tell me I danced beautifully, as his brown eyes sparkled at me. 

I grab my shoes out of her hands. "Fine." I turn to her before I walk out of my room. "If security finds me on the way, it is your fault. 

"Sounds good to me." She smiles, walking out of my room, and heading towards the living room.

I head to the door, taking a deep breath before nodding, letting Oliver know I am ready to leave. Then with that, we exited the dorm and headed towards the school's Arts studio.  


William opens the door, revealing everyone running around trying to get things done. This place is quite busy during school. I looked at the signs, providing information about where certain classrooms were. I continue to walk down the halls, with my pointe shoes in hand, and normal common slippers

I know, strange of me to be wearing these, yet they are Berkins. And I have heard a lot about them, and how the common teenage girls are obsessing over them. Therefore I bought a couple, in different colors. 

I turn my head, seeing people holding wooden sets, preferably for Musical theater. Seeing people running around with these Yoga blocks, all in different colors, and others with these stretchy bands. 

Also heard different people warming up, different instruments playing randomly, and heard Violins, trumpets, flutes, and drums. As continue to walk down the hall, I see groups of kids, all surrounding each other singing in different keys, warming up their instruments. Sopranos, altos, teners, etc.; in their groups singing. 

I just ignore them, pretending I know where I am going. As people run past me, with different things in their hands, making me almost trip into them without warning. 

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