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"Aren't you going to untie me?" Javier asks Juandre, raising his tone slightly.

"I don't want to. I like you that way," Juandre responds with a small smile before leaving the living room.

Javier manages to untie himself and hears a sound coming from the other room. Curious, he goes to investigate and finds Juandre holding his hand, which is bleeding heavily.

"How did this happen?" Javier asks, shocked by the sight.

"I didn't realize it was this bad after fighting those bastards," Juandre replies, his head lifted in unbearable pain.

"Juandre, we should go to the hospital. I think the wound is deep, especially since you've previously injured your hand," Javier suggests, taking charge and guiding Juandre towards the car before he has a chance to respond.

"Do you know anything about post-traumatic stress disorder, Doctor?" Javier asks while Juandre receives first aid in the other room.

"Yes, I do. But I assumed you would be aware of it, considering your presence with Juandre," the doctor replies, showing concern.

"What do you mean by that?" Javier asks, his tone filled with confusion.

"Listen, kid, I can't share too much information as it could be risky for me. But I can tell you that Juandre suffers severely from this disorder, yet he refuses to see a psychiatrist," the doctor explains, leaning closer.

"So, he's actually struggling? I had my doubts," Javier says confidently, leaning back.

"It's not a joke. His case is severe. He also faces nyctophobia and night vision blindness. I used to envision him differently until that day," the doctor pauses, visibly disturbed.

"W...what day?" Javier asks, feeling a sense of worry and gulping anxiously.

"He stabbed himself three times," the doctor reveals, lowering his gaze as he vividly recalls the incident.

"I've been Juandre's favorite doctor for 15 years now. From my perspective, he isn't what he appears to be. Everyone thinks he's strong, responsible, and smart, but deep down, he is very sensitive. He has a maturity about him and knows how to keep his composure. He dislikes seeking help, but at his core, he is like a child yearning for love. I feel a great deal of pity for him, even when we were strangers. The moment I witnessed his condition for the first time, I wished I could share his pain," the doctor explains, his face filled with a profound sense of empathy.

"It's been a while since I started living with him, and I never imagined he was this kind of person," Javier says, genuinely concerned about Juandre's well-being.

"Of course you didn't. He despises revealing his weaknesses. He's unpredictable, often deviating from his intended path, but I believe that's what makes him unique," the doctor proclaims with a smile, appreciating Juandre's complex nature.

"What are you doing here?" Juandre interrupts, entering the room and putting an end to their conversation.

"Oh, Juandre, how are you feeling? Is your hand okay?" the doctor asks, showing genuine concern as he examines Juandre's hand.

"I was fine until I caught you teaming up with Javier," Juandre taunts the doctor, giving a slight smile.

"Oh, come on. We weren't teaming up, just engaged in a little conversation with this handsome guy," the doctor playfully compliments Javier, flashing a warm smile.

"Alright, alright. We're leaving then," Juandre declares with a smile, glancing at Javier, who was already looking back at him.

"Javier, there's something I need to talk to you about," Juandre says as soon as they arrive home.

"My friend is having a birthday party this Saturday and he specifically asked for you to be there too," Juandre eagerly shares, searching for a response.

"They know about me?" Javier asks hesitantly, feeling unsure about being known by Juandre's acquaintances.

"The entire company is aware that we're dating. I want everyone to know because I want us to be seen as a real couple," Juandre explains, expressing his desire for their relationship to be acknowledged.

"Oh, alright then. I'll go with you," Javier replies, feeling a little overwhelmed before heading to bed.

"Are you ready?" Juandre asks Javier as he enters his room before they leave for the party.

"I'm almost ready," Javier replies, struggling with putting on a tie.

Juandre approaches and begins fixing Javier's tie, whispering softly, "If you want, you can knock someone out today. I promise you won't get in trouble."

As Juandre finishes and starts to leave, Javier is left puzzled by his words, unsure of the intention behind them.

"Hello, Juandre! It's great to see you," Mr. Alan exclaims, warmly welcoming Juandre and Javier.

"Nice to see you too, and a very happy birthday!" Juandre responds with a smile, introducing Javier to the gathering.

"This is Javier, someone who needs no introduction as you already know a lot about him," Juandre states, pointing to Javier, who takes in the grandeur of the birthday party, feeling a bit overwhelmed.

"Of course, I do. He's quite handsome," Mr. Alan exclaims, admiring Javier's appearance. They move ahead, meeting different people, and enjoying the pleasant atmosphere and music. Javier struggles a bit with unfamiliar wealthy individuals and the grand size of the party venue, making it difficult for him to locate Juandre.

"Where are you? Don't tell me you're lost," Juandre asks as soon as Javier picks up his call.

"I...I kind of am," Javier hesitantly replies as he looks around the large space.

Juandre chuckles at Javier's innocent mistake and provides him with the correct address, guiding him to where he himself is located.

After searching for 20 minutes, Javier finally finds Juandre. With excitement, he walks toward him but accidentally collides with a waiter, spilling drinks all over Mr. Alan's expensive shoes.

"What are you doing? Watch where you're going, you brat!" Mr. Alan exclaims angrily, causing the surrounding crowd to fall silent, taken aback by his behavior.

"What are you all staring at? Can you afford to replace these? You poor kid, bow down and clean them off!" Mr. Alan insults Javier, stepping closer to him, making him feel uncomfortable and embarrassed.

Meanwhile, unexpectedly, Juandre stands still in the background, witnessing the entire incident, drinking and appearing indifferent. He doesn't intervene or utter a single word.

Javier, instead of reacting or attempting to pay for the damage, starts to kneel down, wanting to clean Mr. Alan's shoes.

As he bows down slowly, a tear rolls down his cheek. He feels scared and disappointed that Juandre would allow his friends to insult him like this. Javier's hand starts reaching toward Mr. Alan's shoes when a warm and firm hand grabs his arm, preventing him from touching them.

Javier looks up and finds Juandre stopping him. Leaning closer, Juandre whispers in Javier's ear,
"Those under my protection never submit." He then takes Javier out of the party, but instead of feeling sorry for Javier, he appears slightly angry.

Once they reach home, Juandre throws Javier onto the couch and begins removing his coat when suddenly the doorbell rings, and Juandre becomes visibly upset by the earlier incident.

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