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"What? Have you forgotten to give the medicine?" Javier exclaimed, standing up in concern.

"No! The patient is fine. But the bad news is that there's going to be a speech this Monday, and all the biggest CEOs are invited!" Carlos explained, panting heavily from his hurried run to reach Javier.

Javier handed him a glass of water and offered him a seat, urging him to calm down and explain the issue clearly.

"But I don't see why this is bad news," Javier replied, trying to understand why a mere speech would be a cause for concern.

"The bad news is that all the doctors from our ward have been chosen to give speeches about maintaining hygiene and consuming nutrients to stay healthy," Carlos exclaimed, finally calming down a little.

"I still don't see the issue. Why are you so worried about a speech?" Javier asked, appearing confused about Carlos' anxiety.

"Don't you see? It's a speech in front of the biggest millionaires. I'm already trembling at the thought of performing," Carlos explained, his stage fright evident as he appeared incredibly nervous.

"You didn't spend your whole life studying and endure sleepless nights just to be too scared to give a simple speech, did you?" Javier asked, a trace of annoyance in his voice at Carlos' limited perspective.

"Remember, you are so much more than this," Javier reassured Carlos, smiling at him and explaining that he shouldn't be worried about a simple speech.

Carlos nodded, feeling reassured. He tried to calm himself, realizing that it was just a speech after all.


"Why did you call me here? Have you finally stopped partying every weekend?" Thyra asked Andriel, Javier's ex, who had called her to talk about something.

"I need to borrow some money, I'm in need," Andriel pleaded with Thyra.

"I don't have any! You know the majority of my salary goes towards my mother's hospital bills. I received a call yesterday that her condition is getting worse. Do you even care?!" Thyra yelled at Andriel, informing him about her financial troubles.

"Why do you care about her now, huh? You seemed so confident when you left the house at 14. Why are you suddenly taking responsibility for her?" Andriel yelled, raising his eyebrow and looking at Thyra with disgust for her past mistakes.

"Whatever I did... was just to make your and mother's life better, Andriel. Things don't always work out!" Thyra yelled back at Andriel as she grabbed her bag and stormed out of the restaurant, fighting back her tears.


"Everyone has been working really hard for the past week, so I want to arrange a party for everyone! We can discuss the dates among ourselves, is that okay?" Juandre announced as he left the cabin.

"Really!? That's awesome!" The employees exclaimed with excitement and shock, as this kind of behavior was not common from their rigid boss.

As Juandre reached his office with a bright smile on his face, he seemed to be in a great mood.

"Hey, how are you?" Juandre asked as soon as he received a call from his ex, Aaron.

"All good since I heard your voice," Aaron replied, chuckling a little.

Juandre laughed, noticing that Aaron's behavior hadn't changed much.

"Right, any specific reason for calling me?" Juandre asked, his voice low.

"Oh yes, I wanted to ask if you were going to appear at the upcoming speech event?" Aaron asked, reminding him about the invitation they had both received.

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