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As Juandre drove the car, Javier leaned back in his seat, admiring the breathtaking view outside the window. The sun, hiding behind the clouds, cast a beautiful golden glow on the horizon as it started to get dark. Javier quickly turned on the car lights, sensing that jaundre has slowed down the speed.

Juandre smiled as he was impressed by this little thoughtful act of service.Javier's eyes switched to Juandre's hand, which still was covered in bandages on his knuckles. It had been a while since they visited the doctor, and Javier couldn't help but ask, "Is your hand still not healed?"

For a moment, Juandre remained silent, avoiding Javier's gaze by taking his hand off the steering wheel. Sensing his hesitation, Javier decided to ask another question that had been on his mind. "Why is there a scar on your lower back? Revealing the fact that he noticed it while juandre was boxing.

Juandre raised an eyebrow and continued driving silently. After a brief pause, he finally spoke, his voice filled with a hint of coldness.
"The more you know about me, the more you'll hate me. You're better off the place where i keep you."

Javier immediately regretted his line of questioning, realizing that he looked like he was interfering Juandre's life. Juandre's cold answer filled the light mood with coldness, after a while they reached the beautiful looking hall that looked really grand and well decorated.

"This concludes my speech. Thank you all for taking the time to listen," Javier stated formally, wrapping up his speech. However, he couldn't ignore the piercing gaze from Juandre, who hadn't blinked once while staring at Javier, as if he were devour into his very soul. Despite this unsettling feeling, Javier made his way down the stage, greeted by a thunderous applause that filled the hall.

"Would you like a drink?" Javier asked, offering Juandre a beverage once the speeches had concluded.

"I don't drink alcohol," Juandre replied.

"You don't? Well, you always seem drunk whenever you speak," Javier murmured under his breath, unable to resist gossiping about Juandre right in front of him.

"What did you say?" Juandre playfully teased, stepping closer and adjusting Javier's coat.

"Oh, Juandre. I actually need to borrow some money. I promise to repay you soon," Javier blurted out, diverting Juandre's attention from his previous remark.

Juandre pulled out his black credit card, gripping Javier's waist as he whispered softly into his ear. "My zay doesn't have to worry about money at all.I will take care of everything."

As he stepped back, Juandre noticed Javier frozen in place, his heart pounding wildly, his cheeks turning rosy. With a flicker in his eyes, Javier blinked twice, processing the name "zay" that coursed through his veins and produced an indescribable feeling of excitement and anticipation.

Before Javier could say anything else, Alan coughed, interrupting their moment.
"Juandre, how are you, man?" Alan greeted, pulling Juandre into a friendly hug, emphasizing their noticeable height difference.

Stepping back, Javier couldn't help but feel a hint of curiosity as he witnessed someone being so clingy to Juandre for the first time. He tried to push aside the fact that Alan looked impeccably stylish in his green coat, with his white-dyed hair perfectly complementing his light freckles and glasses. Alan's smile lines adorned his face with perfection, accompanied with his sharp jawline.

Juandre distanced himself from their closeness and engaged in a lively conversation with Alan, and it didn't take long for Javier to feel uncomfortable with their interaction. Soon enough, Alan noticed Javier's presence and inquired about him.

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