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"Are you going to sleep in another room?" Javier asked, smoothly unpacking his bag and preparing to settle in.

"Why? Are you desperate for me to sleep with you?" Juandre playfully inquired, leaning against the doorway with a mischievous smile.

"N...no, I was just asking," Javier responded hesitantly, breaking their intense eye contact.

"May sweet dreams fill your slumber," Juandre wished as he left the room, leaving Javier slightly flustered.

As Juandre entered his own room, he noticed a family photo lying on the ground. He picked it up, a tear welling in his eye as he gazed at the image of his late mother. Leaning against the wall, he spoke softly to the picture.

"I miss you so much, Mom," Juandre's voice trembled, tears streaming down his face as he fought back the urge to cry out loud.


"This is absolutely awful! If you can't cook, you should never attempt to make food!" Juandre yelled at Javier, hurling a utensil to the ground in frustration.

Javier was taken aback and shocked by the sudden change in Juandre's behavior. He nervously tried the breakfast he had prepared, only to discover that it was perfectly cooked. But unexpectedly javier didn't spoke a word and quietly returned back to the kitchen.

Juandre looked at javier as his eyes skeeking an answer or atleast a question of concern. "What has happened to him? Why didn't he say anything?" Juandre murmured worriedly to himself. He looked at Javier with a pitying expression, and then promptly left for his office.

"Great job! And I also need an update on Mr. Carlos' file," Juandre ordered Kira, his assistant, at the conclusion of the meeting. Just then, he received a call from Javier.

"Is that your boyfriend, sir?" Kira asked, eyeing Juandre's phone.

"How did you know?" Juandre raised an eyebrow, surprised by her keen observation.

"He's the first person in your contacts with a casual name. He must be close," Kira smiled, revealing her little theory.

"Oh, yes, I am dating him," Juandre admitted as he lowers his eyes, answering the call and leaving the meeting room.

"Why are you calling during working hours?" Juandre asked Javier in a slightly cold tone.

"I... I just wanted to check if you had breakfast. I don't want you to go hungry because of my foolishness," Javier replied with genuine concern.

"Don't worry, I've had breakfast. Did you eat something?" Juandre responded, his tone turning softer as he decided to respond more warmly.

"Not yet-" Javier started to say, but Juandre cut in.

"What's your favorite meal?" Juandre asked, leaning back in his chair in his office.

"I absolutely love sweets, especially chocolates! Once, I devoured 30 chocolates at once!" Javier exclaimed, growing excited as he talked about his interests.

"Really, 30? That's quite a lot!" Juandre chuckled, delighting in Javier's enthusiasm.

"I know, right?" Javier laughed, fully agreeing with Juandre.

"Zay, get something to eat before I return for dinner with some food," Juandre said in a warm and collected tone.

"O...okay," Javier replied, hanging up the phone. His heart skips a beat as he gets referred by the nickname "zay".

"He still remembers," Javier smiled, recalling the nickname Juandre had affectionately given him when they first became friends in preschool.

After finishing his afternoon coffee, Javier finds himself lost in thoughts, wondering why Juandre acted coldly despite the perfectly cooked breakfast. Confusion fills Javier's mind as he recalls small glimpses of Juandre's cold behavior, leading him to believe that Juandre may not appreciate his cooking or the particular dish he prepared.

Determined to solve the mystery, Javier decides to take a little tour of Juandre's expansive house. Upon entering Juandre's room, he notices the messiness, which stands in stark contrast to the rest of the tidy house.
Taking matters into his own hands, Javier starts making up the bed, only to find an unusual file hidden in the drawer. The title called "Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder-", piquing Javier's curiosity as he has no idea about this disorder.

"What are you doing in my room?"Juandre asks coldly, catching Javier off guard. Javier, feeling a tinge of fear, hides the file behind his back and hesistantly utters,
"N-nothing, I was just cleaning the room a little."

Juandre's hazel eyes transform from warmth to piercing intensity as he questions Javier,
"Did I ask you to? Whose permission did you think you needed?" Juandre asks as he starts to get closer.

With each step Juandre takes toward Javier and each step Javier takes backward, fear builds up through Javier's veins. Unsure of Juandre's intentions, Javier's heart races in uncertainty.

The tension escalates as Juandre grows closer, causing Javier's anxiety to swell. Their breaths crashing , as javier was sure that juandre could hear his fast heartbeats. In a deep, low voice, Juandre commands Javier,
"Apologize," his eyes locked onto Javier's, seeking an apology. Struggling to find his words, Javier trembles in fear, his hands raised to create a barrier between them. He manages to utter,
"I'm... I'm sorry. I'll never show up here again. I truly apologize."
As Juandre steps back, trying to calm his anger, Javier hurriedly leaves the room, his mind swirling with confusion.

"He is definitely possessed" Javier mumbles to himself as he can't process Juandre's actions.

To Javier's surprise, upon reaching the dining table, he finds it filled with chocolates, cakes, and a card placed in the middle.

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