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Javier lay in bed, unable to fall asleep as his mind constantly revolved around Juandre's condition. What had happened to him that was still so traumatic? Despite the potential consequences he might face if Juandre caught him, Javier made the decision to investigate. With a heavy heart, he finally awskened from his bed and cautiously sneaked into Juandre's room. The lights were all bright, illuminating Juandre in a statue-like sleep. The room was freezing cold and a bit messy, just like before.

After ensuring Juandre was alright, Javier made his way to his office at the end of the bungalow. Stacks of files were neatly organized on the bookshelf next to the computer desk. As he went through numerous reports, he stumbled upon one that caught his attention - a report from Juandre's therapist. Javier was curious to learn that Juandre had been attending therapy. As he continued reading, he came across the therapist's observation after their sessions.

"He hardly spoke, instead he just stared at me in response to every question I asked."

Never speaking? Strange. It had to hold some deeper meaning. Lost in his thoughts, Javier's focus was interrupted by a loud ringing, signaling an incoming call. He hurriedly answered, making sure not to make any noise.

"Why are you awake at this hour?" Javier inquired, recognizing his mother's voice on the other end.

"Do you think I can sleep when you're not around? Javier, why don't you come back?" Albertine asked with a tinge of worry in her voice.

"Even if I wasn't living with Juandre, I could never go back to that house. It never felt like home to me," Javier sighed as he whispered slowly rejecting to live with his father.

"Javier, please understand that your father is truly concerned about you. He does care," Albertine pleaded, attempting to make him see reason and return back.

"It's funny, he cares so much, yet he constantly compares me to every other kid on this planet. I'm the way I am today because of him. I don't have the strength to stand up to people who hurt me, and it's funny how everyone I meet seems to have the mission to hurt me," Javier replied, his voice revealing the pain he holded, the warmth he always needed from his parents.

"Javier," Albertine called out his name, but he abruptly hung up the call. Standing there in silence, Javier tried to convince himself that his father didn't truly care about him; he only enjoyed playing the victim. Lost in his own worries, he slowly made his way back to his room without returning the file to its proper place.


"I specifically wanted to meet you, not him. And please, don't call me sir. You can call me uncle," Louis replied, offering a warm smile while taking a sip of his third drink in the past 10 minutes.

"Oh, I see. Alright, Uncle Louis," Javier responded with a smile, not dwelling too much on why Louis hadn't met Juandre.

Suddenly, the peaceful conversation between Louis and Javier was abruptly interrupted by the loud sound of a door slamming open on the terrace.

"Why did you bring him here? What do you want now!" Juandre yelled as he entered the terrace. His anger was evident in his voice and he stood close, eye to eye with his father. The fierce glare in his eyes showed no mercy, as if he could harm his father right then and there.

"Juandre, you're misunderstanding. I was simply having a conversation with Javier," Louis tried to calm the situation, asserting his dominance over Juandre.

"Lies! All you ever do is lie! And why wouldn't you? You have all that money and power to hide your disgusting acts, don't you?" Juandre coldly exclaimed, his voice piercing through the air. He stared directly into his father's eyes without even blinking once.

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