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Javier awoke the following morning, still feeling a slight burn and weakness in his body. However, he was well enough to stand and walk towards the kitchen, only to find Juandre attempting to cook breakfast.

"Are the maids off again?" Javier asked curiously, wondering why Juandre was cooking.

"No, I gave them the day off. I just felt like cooking," Juandre replied, struggling to cut the vegetables.

"But your hand is injured again?" Javier mumbled, his curiosity getting the best of him. When he received no answer, he stepped into the kitchen to help him out a bit.

"He knows he can't cook, yet he still insists on doing such foolish things," Javier muttered to himself as he tried to clean up the mess Juandre had created.

"Did you say something?" Juandre asked.

"No... Nothing," Javier laughed, continuing, "Juandre, Carlos is having a birthday party tonight, and he really wants to see you too. Can you come with me? Just for two hours, that's all," Javier insisted, hoping for a positive response.

"If you say so," Juandre whispered softly, gently touching Javier's back. Javier stood frozen as butterflies danced in his stomach and goosebumps appeared on his arms.

Just then, Javier's phone rang and he picked it up.

"Hey Mark, why are you calling at this hour? Is everything alright?" Javier asked, grabbing Juandre's attention as he stood beside him.

"No... Javier, please make it quick!" Mark yelled, sounding desperate and in need of help.

"Hey, calm down. Tell me what happened," Javier responded, trying to remain calm himself.

"Thyra got into an accident... I called for an ambulance, but it's taking forever! She's bleeding so much!" Mark shouted and cried in a helpless state, hoping that Javier could come to their rescue.

Upon hearing this, Javier dropped the utensils he was holding and rushed towards his car. Juandre tried to stop him from behind.

"What's wrong?" Juandre asked, curious about Javier's sudden reaction.

"Hurry up! Thyra got into an accident," Javier explained, displaying genuine worry as he frantically searched for his car keys.

"Come with me," Juandre said, taking Javier's hand, and they quickly made their way to the car. Juandre drove as fast as he could, but they ended up getting stuck at a long traffic signal.

Noticing Javier's trembling and fear, Juandre reassured him, "Javier, calm down. I know she'll be alright," gripping his hand tightly and nodding at him, encouraging him to take deep breaths.

"Mark, where... where is she?" Javier asked Mark as soon as they arrived at the hospital. In a rush, Javier followed Mark's guidance and rushed into the room. He felt a wave of relief wash over him when he discovered that Thyra was okay, aside from a few stitches on her head where she had bled excessively.

"Mark, how did this happen?" Juandre asked, concerned for Thyra, even though she was now in stable condition.

"S-sir, she was on a call when she didn't realize she had run a red light and crashed into another car on our way to the mall," Mark explained, trying to keep his composure as he detailed the incident.

Worried, Javier's parents entered the hospital and soon spotted Juandre, greeting him warmly.

"Is Javier also here?" Albertine, Javier's mother, asked upon seeing Juandre and Mark. However, Adrian rolled his eyes at this question and walked straight into the room where Thyra was.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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