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Juandre smiled shyly as he walked towards the door. "Okay, I'll be in the meeting room by 9 sharp. Make sure everything goes smoothly," he ordered Kira before closing the door.

Curious, Juandre turned to Javier and asked, "Why are you here, though?" as Javier curiously touched the exquisite showpieces on Juandre's desk.

"Oh, right. I'm here to give you this pasta that your maid asked me to deliver," Javier explained as he handed the bag of food to Juandre.

"She asked you to do it? Well, it must be the last time you see her," Juandre remarked as he took the bag and set it aside.

"No, please don't fire her. I wanted to go out anyway so It wasn't much of a burden," Javier pleaded, his innocent puppy eyes pleading his case. Juandre smiled at his innocence and nodded in agreement.

As Javier prepared to leave the office, Juandre called out from behind, "I've hired some bodyguards for you. Make sure you don't go anywhere without them."

Javier smiled slightly, nodding, and left the cabin, his thoughts swirling with the spicy encounter that had just transpired.

As Thyra confidently strutted out of Juandre's office, she accidentally collided with Mark, causing her belongings to scatter in all directions. Thyra glared at Mark with annoyance written all over her face.

"Are you blind or something? What's your deal?" she shouted, her voice dripping with irritation. Little did she know, Mark was utterly captivated by Thyra's presence. In his eyes, she was the epitome of perfection.

"I... I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to cause a disturbance," Mark stammered as he noticed Thyra's ID card on the ground. Curiosity got the better of him as he picked it up and noticed something peculiar. "Hey, why isn't your cast mentioned here?"

Snatching her ID card back, Thyra shot Mark a look of disbelief. Mark, undeterred, simply smiled at her, unable to hide his infatuation. As Mark started to walk away, he spotted Javier approaching and couldn't resist throwing a playful jab.

"Well, well, well, look who's here to meet the love of their life," Mark chuckled, clearly teasing Javier.

"Shh, enough nonsense," Javier warned, his face flushing slightly with embarrassment.

"Oh, Javier, do you happen to know the gorgeous ginger-haired girl who just passed by? Her name is-" Before Mark could recall her name, Javier interrupted him.

"Thyra," Javier guessed with a wry smile.

"Yes, Thyra! She's stunning, man. Can you hook me up with her phone number?" Mark pleaded, hoping for Javier's assistance.

"She's my stepsister, you-" Javier began, but before he could finish, Mark cut him off with a mischievous grin.

"Oh wow, even better! That means we'll be family if things work out," Mark exclaimed, a hint of mischief in his eyes.

"Alright, alright," Javier gave in, a devious smile forming. "I'll give you her number. I've been itching for some revenge anyway." Javier couldn't resist the opportunity to annoy his sister, even if it meant playing along with Mark's antics.

Upon Javier's return, he once again found himself colliding with the same group of people. However, before this group could proceed further, the sound of a piercing police siren echoed the empty street. In a panic, everyone began to scatter, but Javier's curiosity got the best of him, leading him to follow the only female member of the group, as she exuded a wierd mysterious aura.

While chasing after her, Javier soon discovered that her group mates had ran off in a different direction, leaving them both alone in an unfamiliar area. Suddenly, without warning, the woman tripped over a discarded can, losing her balance and tumbling to the ground. Reacting swiftly, Javier rushed to her side, removing her mask in an attempt to reveal her identity. In the brief moment that their eyes locked, the rest of the group approached, giving the woman the opportunity to make her escape successfully.

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