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What brings you here?" Juandre's voice finally cut through the intense silence that had settled in the cabin for the past ten minutes.

"I have come to discuss something that could be mutually beneficial for both of us," Louis declared, leaning in closer as he presented his offer to Juandre.

While Louis continued to speak, he couldn't help but notice the deliberate and slow movement of Juandre placing his gun on the table, his gaze filled with a menacing intensity. A smirk danced on Louis' lips as he teasingly remarked on their cruel past.

"Look at that, this young man still seeks weapons for defense, does he?" Louis taunted, highlighting their shared history.

Juandre's hands curled with anger, but he made a conscious decision to remain collected and continue the conversation. With a hint of coldness in his voice, he firmly declared, "I have already rejected your offer multiple times. This time, I won't be as kind."

Louis' eyes widened at Juandre's audacity to reject his own father. "You still have the audacity to turn me down? Your own flesh and blood?" he questioned in disbelief.

Juandre's voice turned even colder as he delivered his response, "Consider it payback. You failed to provide for me, so I won't offer any benefits in return. It would be a disgrace to have your name associated with mine. Now, would you like to leave gracefully, or shall I remove a CEO from my presence?"

Louis shot Juandre a death stare before storming out of the cabin in a fit of anger. Juandre sank back into his seat, his mind filled with concerns. Would his father ever change? Lost in his thoughts, he received a call from his trusted person, Adrian Fernandes.

"Greetings, my son! How are things progressing?" Adrian asked in a kind and caring manner.

"Everything is going well, Uncle. Just a bit tired, actually. I hope we can meet soon; it has been too long," Juandre responded, his voice softening as his expression shifted from cold to warm and affectionate.

"Well, what an extraordinary coincidence! I was meaning to invite you to a family dinner at the end of this month. I thought it would be fantastic to also invite Javier; reconnecting with your childhood friend after twenty years might lift your spirits!" Adrian exclaimed with excitement in his voice.

"Certainly, Uncle. It has been far too long since I last saw him. I will definitely make it to the dinner. Thank you for the invitation," Juandre replied, ending the call with a sweet smile spreading across his face, filled with excitement to reunite with Javier.

"Don't you understand that your worth resides solely in me? You are nothing without me," Andrial arrogantly declared, his daring eyes fixed on Javier, airing their troubled relationship for all to witness at the university.

"You are mistaken. This is wrong. What you do to me is wrong. Why can't anyone see the pain you inflict upon me? Andrial, I love you deeply, and I implore you to treat me with kindness," Javier pleaded, his voice laced with brokenness, hoping that his partner would change his ways.

"Very well, if that's what you believe, let's make a wager. Bring a partner with you to the University reunion and prove me wrong, prove that you are capable of dating someone," Andrial shouted at Javier, challenging his self-respect. With those piercing words, Andrial stormed off, leaving Javier on his knees, tears streaming down his face as he bore the weight of Andrial's cruel words and detrimental bet.

"Please, don't do this to me. I beg you, I will change, I understand, I get it! Please, please, don't," Javier pleaded continuesly in his sleep, reliving the traumatic memories that haunted him repeatedly. Just as his bed fills with tears and his hands shaking hard in fear ,Thyra, his step-sister, gently woke him from his distressing dream.

"Why on earth are you here? Who gave you permission to enter my room?!" Javier's voice boomed, a clear indication that he found no solace in her presence.

"And who said I wanted to be here? Your annoying shouting might just wake up our mother, so I came to put an end to it. Scaredy cat!" Thyra retorted, her tone laced with annoyance, revealing the bittersweet love-hate dynamic between the siblings.

As thyra left the room ,Javier received a message from his father, inviting him to a family dinner, but he had made up his mind to not appear and yet he is unknown with the fact that juandre is going to appear as well.

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