Wilbur's Tommy

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Wilbur woke up in a cave dimly lit with torches. He groaned, trying to sit up but was hit with a wave of nausea and a splitting heading.
"Will you're awake!" Tommy rushed over to him "I'm so sorry I should have thought about how the slow falling and invis would interact with the weakness and slowness."
Wilbur tried to push him away but his movements were so sluggish he could barley manage to move his arms.
"T-Tommy what the fuck."
"What's the last thing you remember?"
"I remember we fell through the glass and Phil was there, and oh prime where are we now?" He tried to get up but Tommy gently pushed him back down.
"Will you need to calm down you'll hurt yourself."
"Calm down? Tommy how the fuck do you expect me to calm down you just kidnapped me how could you do that!"
"If you just take some deep breath's and calm down then I'll explain everything" Tommy said slowly as if Wilbur were some skittish animal.
"Fine" Wilbur spat out, trying to calm his laboured breathing. Tommy helped sit him up propped against the wall.
"When Phill confronted us, I knew we had to get away somehow, so I threw slow falling and invisibility. Then I broke the glass over the l'manburg crater and we dug our way down into this cave when you collapsed."
"Because of the drugs?"
"Yeah, they should have mostly worn off by now but you'll probably still feel sick for a while." He looked almost sheepish,like the Tommy Wilbur knew would look if he did something he knew he shouldn't have, but the Tommy Wilbur knew wasn't capable of this kind of thing. This couldn't possibly be Wilbur's Tommy. "I'm really sorry Will, I didn't know you would collapse like that. I was really scared you wouldn't wake up" and now he was really close to tears, but Wilbur couldn't let that distract him.
"So you feel bad about almost killing me but not about drugging and kidnapping me."
"You keep saying kidnapping like it's the worst thing that could possibly happen to you" Tommy shrugged like it wasn't a big deal.
"It's pretty damn close Tommy"
"Will we have literally been to hell and back, how does this manage to even make your list of top ten worst things that could happen to you."
Wilbur just stared at Tommy for a moment with his mouth hanging open. Had he completely lost his mind. He wondered if this is how Tommy felt when they were living in Pogtopia.
"Tommy you still haven't told me why you did this."
"Isn't it obvious, it's because I can't lose you again. You died, killed yourself, you left me. I just got you back and now you're trying to leave me again. I can't- no I won't let that happen."
Wilbur didn't respond to that. He didn't have anything left to say, and so the two fell into an uncomfortable silence until Wilbur fell asleep.

Wilbur didn't know what time it was when when Tommy shook him awake. No natural light penetrated the cave they slept in. Hi head felt better, but he still felt a lingering queasiness in his stomach.
"Will wake up, we have to go. Can you stand?"
"I'm not going anywhere with you."
"Will, are you really going to fight me on this? Because if you try to run again I have plenty more splash potions where the first ones came from."
Wilbur sighed, he probably couldn't outrun or dodge his splash potions in this condition, especially not when they were underground. On top of that Wilbur didn't actually know which direction they came from, so even if he managed to give Tommy the slip he was lost, and he had no weapons to fight monsters with. In short, he was screwed. With some effort he pushed himself off the ground into a standing position. Tommy had a splash potion in hand, ready to throw if Wilbur tried to bolt.
"There's no need for that, I don't think I could outrun you right now if I tried."
Tommy nodded and put the potion away, switching it out for a pickaxe.
"Alright then let's dig our way out of here, it'll be easier to travel on the surface and if we've gone as far as I think we have we should be far enough away from the rest of the smp that we won't run into anyone," he frowned, "although I am still a little concerned about Phil, but hopefully he wasted enough time in the l'manhole that he'll be thrown off our scent." He snorted at the word l'manhole.
Wilbur's heart sank, if they were really that far away then the chances of Phil finding them were getting slimmer by the minute. And the chances of them accidentally running into someone were even lower. What was that statistic he had read once about how much less likely it was for missing people to be found after twenty-four hours. How had it come to this? The Tommy Wilbur had known since they were kids wouldn't do this. This couldn't be the same kid he loved like a brother. How could this possibly be his Tommy?
"Why're you just standing there with your mouth hanging open like an idiot?"
Wilbur snapped out his thoughts to see Tommy had already mined out a good deal of cobblestone.
"I-it's nothing Tommy, just thinking."
Tommy just shrugged and gestured for Wilbur to follow him. The two made there way up the stone tunnel that Tommy was mining out as they went. They broke through the last of the dirt to the surface as the sun was rising over the horizon. They were in a part of the woods Wilbur didn't recognize, the rays of rising sun shining between the red trunks of the Acadia trees bathed the forest in an eerie light. Tommy just stood there, his back to Wilbur, panting. He appeared lost in thought. This was Wilbur's chance. While Tommy was distracted he could make a break for it. He didn't know where he was going but he could use the sun to find north and hopefully end up near Phil's house or Snowchester. He tensed his muscles and-
There was a fish hook in his shoulder.
"Ow" Wilbur muttered and looked at Tommy, who was holding a fishing rod.
"Really Wilbur?" Tommy pulled hard on the fishing rod, making Wilbur cry out in pain as he fell to the ground. "Did you seriously think I didn't know you'd try and bolt the second we weren't underground, I'm a little insulted you think I'm that stupid."
That look in his eyes. It was a look Wilbur knew all too well. It was the very same fiery determination he'd had since they were just kids, that had gotten them through the war for independence, that had kept them going during Pogtopia right up until Wilbur died. Wilbur couldn't deny it any longer, everything that was happening now was caused by the very same Tommy Wilbur had always known. This was the real Tommy. This was Wilbur's Tommy.

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