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The world was all fuzzy. Had someone shoved wool in Wilbur's ears? Phil was yelling. Why was he doing that? A door shut behind him and the yelling became even more muffled then before. He could hear Tommy's voice.
"Hey Will, how are you feeling?"
"I feel strange" he slurred out.
Tommy placed an arm around him, steering him up the stairs.
"You've just fallen a little bit ill, but don't worry I'll make you feel better. How about some nice herbal tea?"
Wilbur nodded slowly, "Tommy why was Phil yelling?"
Tommy stiffened, his grip on Wilbur's shoulder getting tighter momentarily.
"We just had a little argument, nothing for you to worry about."
"Oh" he felt like he was forgetting something important.
Tommy helped him to the couch and then went to the kitchen to get the tea ready. He just sat on the couch for a while. He didn't know how long. Time was weird like that. Sometimes he could hear noises through his haze. Water boiling, Tommy humming, Phil yelling. He wondered what Tommy and Phil had been fighting about. He hoped they worked it out. At some point one of the sounds got his attention. A creaking sound. Like a rusty old door opening. The hinges on the front door were rusty, maybe he should get up and look. Tommy was yelling now, and there were other voices too, he realized as he rounded the corner to see who it was.
He thought he recognized Tubbo, although it had been so long he wasn't sure. At least he thought it had been a long time. Time was weird. He definitely recognized Ranboo, he was too tall to forget.
"Hi Ranboo" he waved, and all three heads turned to him. "Tommy you didn't tell me we were going to have people over."
"Did you drug him?" Ranboo asked.
"Will, I need you to hide" Tommy said with a serious look on his face.
Wilbur just stood there, this whole scene was confusing him. It made his head hurt.
"Tommy" Tubbo said, "please just let Wilbur and Phil go and come back with us quietly."
"Why the hell would I do that?"
"Because Nicky is outside, pissed off, and ready to kill you if we can't find another way to stop you. I don't want you to die."
Tommy pointed his sword at Tubbo and Ranboo. "You think I care about that? If all three of you don't leave I'll kill Phil."
Tubbo and Ranboo glared like they were getting ready for a fight, but Wilbur was still confused. Why did Tommy say he would kill Phil? He wouldn't do something like that, right?
Something came over Wilbur in that moment, although he wasn't sure what. "No you can't do that!" he yelled as he tackled Tommy to the ground. Tommy through him off, but the three way standoff between him, Tubbo and Ranboo had been broken and Ranboo lunged at Tommy, who had apparently dropped his sword when Wilbur tackled him. Ranboo pushed Tommy away from Wilbur and Tommy reached for his sword but Tubbo kicked it away.
"Stop" Tubbo said, holding up a potion bottle "please don't make me do this Tommy."
"You wouldn't."
"It's a concentrated dose of nausea, you'll be completely unconscious in minutes. Please Tommy, stop the fighting and just come with us. You can live with me and Ranboo, and maybe Wilbur could even visit sometimes. Come on Tommy we're you're friends."
"Friends? You exiled me. You didn't visit me. Then you went off and got married and had a kid and started snow Chester all without me. You abandoned me! Wilbur is the only one who cares about me. He's my only friend, my brother. Now you want to take him away too. I won't let you!" He screamed as he jumped at Tubbo. It was like everything happened in slow motion. Tommy jumped, Tubbo through the potion, it smashed on the ground at Tommy's feet, and as he inhaled the particles the muscles o. His face relaxed and he stumbled.
"No it can't end like this" he heaved and threw up on the ground as he fell to his knees. Tubbo caught him before he fell into the puddles of his own vomit.
"Ranboo can you go find Phil"
Ranboo nodded and looked at Wilbur, who wordlessly pointed towards the basement. Tubbo picked Tommy up,which was kind of awkward because Tommy was quite a bit taller than him, and walked towards the front door.
"Wilbur will you be able to make a pretty long walk?"
Wilbur nodded "Where are we going."
"Is Tommy okay?"
"Will he be?"
"I don't know" Tubbo said as he, with struggle since he was carrying Tommy, opened the door. Outside Nicky was waiting for them. Soon Ranboo and Phil came out, Phil squinting at the daylight. Phil hugged him, not too tight this time but gently.
"Hey Will it's going to be okay, we're going home."

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