On the Precipice of Insanity

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The climb up the mountain passed without much incident. Tommy felt giddy. He had basically gotten rid of the biggest threat to him and Wilbur without even needing to fight Phil. At one point, Phil nearly collapsed from exhaustion and blood loss, and they had to stop so that Tommy could bandage his back and wings, but they got going again soon after. Phil was probably being cooperative because he wanted to see Wilbur. Too bad. Tommy couldn't exactly have Wilbur finding out he'd kidnapped his dad, so Phil would just have to settle for being near Wilbur without Wilbur knowing.
"So this is where you've been keeping Wilbur this whole time" Phil said as they approached the house.
"This is where me and Wilbur live" Tommy corrected as he nudged Phil towards the back of the house, stopping him when he tried to go for the front door.
They went around back to another door that lead into a basement that Tommy hadn't been sure would ever get used, but here they were. The door was iron and opened by a button the outside, and the walls on the inside were made of obsidian. It wouldn't be easy to get out of there without any tools. When Phil saw the door his shoulders sagged, and his wings appeared to be trying to move under the bandages.
"You're not going to let me see Wilbur are you?"
"Sorry Phil", and Tommy did feel a pang of guilt. Phil had been good to him in the past, but he couldn't let him take Wilbur away or turn Wilbur against him after there'd come so far. "You'll be able to hear him sometimes from down there, but I suggest you stay quiet yourself. I don't want Wilbur knowing you're here."
"Then why even bring me here? You could have killed me, you already proved you were willing to with those bombs."
"Well for starters, I don't relish the thought of killing you, and Wilbur would never forgive me if he found out I killed his father."
"That's not the only reason, is it Tommy?" Phil glared at him.
"Ha! You're right Philza. You also make the perfect hostage."
Phil's eyes widened, he started to back away but Tommy used the same fishing rod move that he had on Wilbur those few months ago. Phil cried out in pain as Tommy's fishing rod pulled him to the ground.
"If anyone tries to take Wilbur away again, or rescue you, I can threaten to kill you" Tommy said, crouching beside Phil. "Thanks to you no one can stop me now."
"But-but you just said you didn't want to kill me, that Wilbur would never forgive you."
"That's true, but it's also like you said. I'm willing to kill you, if I thinks it's necessary. Hopefully it won't come to that though. Hopefully the threat will be enough",with that he shoved Phil into the doorway, and he narrowly managed to catch himself before falling down the stairs.

* * *

Tommy went around to the front door and upon going inside found Wilbur curled in a ball on the ground and covering his ears. He had thought there was a chance Wilbur would have tried to run off and got himself caught in a trap or something. Not the bomb trap, those were only at the base of the mountain. He had to make sure Wilbur would get caught in something that wouldn't hurt him too badly. He wasn't sure if this situation was worse or better.
"Wilbur?" Tommy said softly, reaching to touch Wilbur's shoulder but he flinched away.
"Did you kill him?"
"You're here and Phil isn't," Wilbur sat up, backing away until his back was to the wall, "so that means you killed him, doesn't it?"
"Will, it wasn't Phill that triggered the bomb" he lied gently.
"I- it wasn't?"
"No, it was just an animal."
"Then, Phil is still alive" Wilbur sighed in relief, and Tommy saw an opportunity. An opportunity to make sure Wilbur would never even think about leaving him again.
"Wilbur it's been over two months" he spoke softly, and approached slowly, as if he were dealing with a wounded animal. "I'm not sure anyone's coming, I mean don't you think Phil should have found this place by now?"
Wilbur dropped his head into his knees. His shoulders shook as Tommy rubbed circles in his back.
"It'll be okay Will."
"No it won't, nothing is okay, no matter what I do or how many people I apologize to everyone still hates me. They were probably happier when I was dead. I mean, I brought it on myself but- but-
"Hey, hey Will you're spiralling. It's not you're fault they hate you, they just don't want to give you a chance, but you don't need to worry about them. We don't need them. We have each other, and we're brothers so that's all we need."
"I want to go home" Wilbur whispered, as if unsure of himself.
"It'll be okay Will, because we are home."
Wilbur was breathing hard. He didn't say anything else and for a second Tommy was worried that he'd seen right through him, but suddenly, Wilbur threw his arms around him. Was Wilbur really hugging him? He hadn't done that since Pogtopia. It only took a moment for Tommy to return the hug, hiding his smile as Wilbur sobbed into his shoulder.

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