Wilbur no

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Tommy and Wilbur had walked until the sun had risen high into the sky. Wilbur hadn't said much since the fishing rod incident. Understandable, but disappointing. Tommy didn't want to hurt Wilbur, he just needed Wilbur not to run away, and didn't want to use anymore drugs so soon in case they made him sick again.
"Tommy stop" Wilbur panted, and he looked like he was about to fall over.
"Alright fine"Tommy said, "but we can't stay here long."
Tommy took the opportunity to check on the cut in Wilbur's shoulder. It wasn't too deep, but it would probably scar. Unfortunately Tommy hadn't thought to bring any bandages, they'd had to tie his bandanna around Wilbur's shoulder to stop the bleeding.
"You know Tommy you don't have to do this" Wilbur said.
"What check you're cut? I think I kind of do seeing as I'm the one that gave it too you, besides it could get infected."
"No not the cut. All of this." Tommy stopped fussing over the cut to look Wilbur in the eyes.
"What do you mean exactly?"
"I mean we could both go home and live with Phil for a while. I could put off going to Utah until you were feeling a little less alone. I think maybe if you could see you have other people that care about you then you might not feel the need to do this." Why did Wilbur look so hopeful?
"What the fuck are you talking about what makes you think I want to live with Phil? What makes you think you know how I feel right now?"
"Because you're like me. It's like you said right, we're like brothers. Yesterday in that cave I thought to myself that this is like Pogtopia, and back then I was spiraling because I felt like everyone was out to get me. Maybe if you had the support that I never got then you won't end up like I did."
"Dead, you mean" Tommy stood up, " Maybe if go running to the others in the smp I won't end up dead like you."
"Uh yeah-
"As if their support has ever done me any good. Oh look at me I'm Wilbur and I have all the hard earned wisdom of a man who lost his goddamn mind" Tommy mocked.
"Tommy I-
"You know what Wilbur maybe you're right and this is like Pogtopia, but at this point in my life Pogtopia is the good old days when I thought you and Tubbo would always be by my side, and I know I'm not going to end up like you because I'm not going to kill myself." Tommy stood there panting for a minute "I'm taking you back to Phil just so you can leave in a few months when you think I've been fixed."
"That's not what I meant."
"It does matter what you meant because we're not going back, and you're not leaving me ever again. We're going to find a nice spot to build a house and farm, and we're going to live there, and we're going to be Happy."
"Tommy please we can't just-
"Yes we can."
Wilbur fell silent after that.

Eventually, Tommy decided it was time to keep moving. They walked for a few more hours before Wilbur started complaining again.
"Are we just going to keep walking forever?"
"What a stupid question of course not."
"Where are we even going?" Wilbur rubbed at his shoulder. Tommy grabbed his arm and pulled it away from his shoulder.
"What are you doing you'll make yourself bleed again." Tommy sighed. "If you must know we are going to find a nice spot to build a house, somewhere we can live."
Wilbur's eyebrows furrowed, "Then why can't we just stop right here, or anywhere for that matter? I mean, we're already in the middle of the woods."
"Because we'll be found if we just build a house anywhere, I don't know if you've realized this Will but entire houses aren't exactly easy to hide."
Wilbur stopped walking, he looked from Tommy to the surrounding area, to Tommy, and back to the surrounding area. Tommy tensed. Was he planning on running again? He had his fishing rod in hand, both a silent threat and a precaution. Wilbur pulled his leg back, and kicked a tree with enough force to shake even its top branches.
"Shit ow that really hurt" Wilbur said as he fell on the ground.
Tommy put the fishing rod away and rushed over. "What the fuck Will why would you do that?" He pulled Wilbur's shoe off to check the damage. His foot was definitely broken, and most of his toes too. He could use a health potion but he wanted to save those for life or death scenario. He didn't have many and it wouldn't exactly be easy to get more ingredients.
"FUCK" Tommy screamed, "you can't walk can you?"
"No, definitely not." Wilbur wasn't looking at him but he could see a small smile form on his lips. So that was his plan then.
"You always have come up with the worst plans haven't you Will."
"You want to slow me down, make this hell every step of the way. That's fine! I'll just carry you, and we'll go faster then before. You want to stop me? Go ahead and try, I'll take the challenge."
Tommy flashed the biggest smile he could muster as he picked Wilbur up off the ground. It was awkward because Wilbur was taller than him but awkwardness has never stopped Tommy before. He carried Wilbur until nearly sunset when he saw it.
"It's perfect" Tommy muttered as he stared up at a giant mountain.
"Tommy don't tell you're planning to build a house up that mountain" Wilbur said, "I mean how are you planning on getting me up there?"
"I told you, you're little stunt back there won't stop me, I'm too awesome and powerful for that."
"You're such a child" Wilbur let out a small laugh.
Eventually, Tommy had decided on turning his pants into shorts, and using strips of the fabric to make a rope that he could use to tie Wilbur to his back as he climbed the mountain.
"Once we get up there it'll be perfect, we'll be able to see anyone coming from miles away before they ever see us, and with the way the rock is it'll super hard to see us from the ground. No one will ever find us."

My Wilbur (a villain tommy story)Where stories live. Discover now