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Philza, Ranboo, Tubbo, Fundy, Nicky, and Quackity had been travelling for about a day when they found an odd looking hole in the ground that, upon further investigation, revealed a crudely cut out staircase and a cave lit with torches. The group had initially done a wide sweep of the area that Phil had marked out on there map but this new discovery narrowed their search by a lot.
It wasn't often that Phil found himself grieving for his wings. He'd mostly grown accustomed to terrestrial life but now he couldn't help thinking that if only he could fly he could find his son within days instead of months. He didn't regret using them to shield Wilbur back in l'manburg though, he just regretted that Wilbur had died by his own hands only moments later.
That kind of thinking was useless now. That's what he told himself as he trudged through the muddy acadia wood forest. He just needed to find his son with the resources he had now. The group followed the meagre evidence of human presence in the hopes that it would lead them down the same path that Tommy and Wilbur had Taken, but it had rained recently and none of the group was really an expert in tracking. That was, until Ranboo began sniffing the air. The endermn hybrid had always had a keen sense of smell but no one could have anticipated how useful it would be.
"I think I smell blood" Ranboo practically whispered, and the whole group tensed. Ranboo walked around still sniff the air for about a minute or so before walking off the right of the direction the group had been heading in. "Guys you should look at this."
All six of them crowded around the thing Ranboo was pointing at. It was a small piece of bloodied fabric, but to Phil's relief it didn't seem like a lot of blood.
"Is it Wilbur's?" Phil asked.
"It smells like him. I think if the smell is strong enough I might be able to find the direction they went in" Ranboo frowned, scratching the back of his neck.
Tubbo touched his back "You can do it Boo, I believe in you."
Ranboo took a deep breath to steady himself, and then took another deep breath through his nose. "I-I think it's this way" he pointed in a direction a little ways off from where they had originally been going.
"Good job Ranboo" Nicky said "if we had kept going in our original direction we probably would have ended up way off course." Ranboo ducked his head in embarrassment at the praise, and the six of them moved on.
After that it took about another day of travelling before they came upon a gigantic mountain. It towered above the rest of the forest and imposed a large shadow over the group. Ranboo was leading the group, with Phil and Tubbo following close behind. Fundy and Nicky walked behind them, with Quackity bringing up the rear. Ranboo turned in the direction of the mountain. As they got closer to it the soft earth beneath their feet became stone.
"I think they went up there."
"Are you sure, don't you think we'd be able to see something unusual considering there aren't any trees up there?" Quackity asked.
"Not necessarily, there are plenty of outcroppings in the rock they could hide behind, or they could be on the other side of the mountain." Phil's skin buzzed with excitement. Could this be it? After all this time were they really this close?
Ranboo took a few steps forward before he stopped.
"Phil, I've just stepped on a pressure plate."
Phil's heart dropped. A split second, that was all he had. He jumped, grabbing Tubbo and Ranboo and dragging them as far away from that pressure plate as he could. He could faintly hear the humming of machinery coming to life below the ground. He shielded Ranboo and Tubbo with what was left of his wings. Only a split second.
There was that pain again. In his back. Just like l'manburg. Phil's ears were ringing. There might have been shouting but it sounded distant. He forced himself off the ground, looking around for the others. Tubbo and Ranboo were a few feet away. Ranboo was sat on the ground hyperventilating while Tubbo rubbed circles into his back. Other then a few scratches and bruises the two seemed to have gotten away relatively unscathed. Quackity was the furthest away from the explosion, so he was fine, but where were Fundy and Nicky.
"Oh no."
The last he'd seen them they were running towards him, Ranboo, and Tubbo. He looked behind him and froze. Nicky was lying on the ground, chest rising and falling rapidly. Blood trickled down from her temple and there were burns on her arms and face. It looked bad but she would recover. Fundy was another story. Slowly, painfully slowly, Phil stumbled his way over to where Fundy lay unconscious just beside the small crater created by the explosion. He was covered in burns. One burn across the side of his face was so bad Phil was sure he would never see out of that eye again. He was bleeding from several areas across his arms, legs and torso. Phil put his fingers up to Fundy's neck, feeling for a pulse. He found it, but it was weak. If Fundy was going to survive he needed help, fast.
"Hello" a voice came from behind, and Phil didn't have to turn around to know who it was, "It looks like you've gotten yourself in a bit of trouble Philza."
"Tommy what the fuck" Tubbo shouted.
"Oh Tubbo good to know you've betrayed me again"
"I didn't you-
"Oh shut up Tubbo you've been making excuses ever since you exiled me."
Quackity pulled out an axe and ran towards Tommy but Tommy placed a button on the ground, "Quackity back the fuck off or this whole area is gonna get blown sky high."
Quackity lowered his axe, "Wait there's more?"
"Yeah duh" Tommy waved his arms around, apparently gesturing to everything around them, "this whole place is a minefield, and I'm the only one who knows how to navigate it."
"If you set off those bombs, you'll die too" Quackity pointed out.
"As long as I don't die instantly, I have plenty of health potions I can use to heal myself. Speaking of which," he turned to Phil, "it looks like Fundy could use some help."
"What do you want Tommy?"
"Not much, I just need you lot to leave me and Wilbur to live in peace."
"I can't give up on him, he's my son," Phil's voice cracked.
"So you'll give up on your grandson's life just to keep Wilbur away from me. How do you think Wilbur would feel if he knew you let Fundy die, when you so easily could have accepted my help and saved him?"
Fundy's breathing was getting shallower by the minute. If they made any sudden movements, Tommy might actually push that button. If he didn't agree, Fundy would die. He could lie and say he agreed but then fight Tommy anyway, but there was still the explosives.
"Tic toc Phil."
"Damn it!" Phil gritted his teeth, he had to come up with something, but he was running out of options Fundy was running out of time. "I can't give up on Wilbur that easily."
"Is that right?" There was something extra dangerous in Tommy's voice.
"What if everyone else leaves and I stay?"
"NO!" Ranboo yelled.
"I just need to make sure Wilbur's okay. I'll leave all my weapons and items behind right here, so I can't fight you or rescue Wilbur."
"Phil you make it sound like Wilbur is some damsel in distress. Wilbur is like my older brother, you don't need to rescue him from me."
"Do you agree or not?"
In response, Tommy tossed Phil a vile of health potion. Phil splashed it on Fundy, and most the major wounds and burns knitted themselves back together, but still leaving some scarring, the nastiest of which was on his face. Even the health potion wouldn't be enough to fix his eye. His breath evened out and became steadier, but he remained unconscious.
"Tubbo, Ranboo, Quackity, I need you to get Fundy and Nicky out of here."
"But Phil we-
"Ranboo we can't argue now, I made a deal an we are out of options."
"I hate it too but he's right" Tubbo touched Ranboo's shoulder.
"Come on we have to go" Quackity said as he hoisted an unconscious Nicky onto his back, "You'll be okay, right Phil?"
"Of course" he said, although he knew he couldn't be sure.
"We- we'll come back back for you" Ranboo said as Tubbo Tubbo picked up Fundy and then at the same time began pulling Ranboo away by the arm.
"I wish things were different, Tommy" was the last thing Tubbo said before disappearing into the forest.
"Me too Tubbo" Tommy answered barely audible.
Phil stood up from where he had previously been crouched beside Fundy. "So what happens now?"
"Well first you drop all your stuff" and since Tommy was still standing ready to push the explosive button, Phil complied, and watch as Tommy pulled out flint and steel and burned all of it.
"Good, now we climb up that mountain."

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