Key information

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Philza wondered if he'd ever see his son again. He stared out his kitchen window at the sunset after another day of searching with no trace of Wilbur or Tommy. Even with the team they'd put together not a single person had found anything.

* * *

Two months ago they had so much hope, when they met that evening. Their group, besides Philza, Tubbo, and Ranboo, now also had Fundy and Nicky. He had hoped for more but, well it was better than nothing. Ranboo had even asked Quackity to help but he had said something along the lines of being "glad that homeless zombie wasn't squatting right outside his property anymore". They all sat at Phil's kitchen table in an uncomfortable silence until Phil finally spoke.
"I assume you all know why you're here."
"Yes Phil but we'll need a little more of an explanation as to what exactly is going on besides 'Wilbur's been kidnapped I need your help'"Nicky said.
"Wilbur's been kidnapped, and Tommy is the one who kidnapped him."
Fundy gasped "What? No Tommy wouldn't-
"It's true" Tubbo said "I found hard to believe too but Phil isn't a liar and I don't think he's mistaken about it either."
"Phill can you tell us exactly what happened?" Nicky asked.
So Phil once again recounted everything he'd seen from Wilbur acting strangely to the two jumping through the glass over the crater.
"So with that being said, have any of you seen anything weird or noticed Tommy acting different recently?"
"Phil" Tubbo said, "you've got to understand Tommy has been through a lot, and that's not me trying to defend him it's just necessary to even come close to understanding what's going on in his head. He's changed a lot over the years, and it would be impossible to predict exactly what made him snap. That being said, I haven't seen much of Tommy in a while, but I do know he's been clinging to Wilbur since he was revived."
"I have noticed that Tommy gets possessive of his friends, remember when we got married" Ranboo said to Tubbo, "Tommy was super upset and kept calling me Ranboob."
"Me and Wilbur got into a fight not that long ago" Fundy said "he wanted to apologize, for not being there, for being a bad dad, but I pushed him away. I-we have to find him."
"And we will,"Nicky reassured "how about tomorrow morning we all fan out in different directions and look for clues?"
They all agreed to he plan and did exactly that, but they found nothing for two months.

* * *

There was a knock on his door, when he took a minute to answer it became more insistant. He opened the door and Nicky was there. Behind her of all people was Quackity, who she was holding by the arm and probably dragged here against his will.
"Hey mate," he gestured for his unexpected guests to come inside. "what's going on?"
They all sat down at Phil's table.
"I was walking along the shoreline near las Nevadas when I came across a boat that had been abandoned, I thought it was suspicious so I asked Quackity if he had seen anything. At first he denied knowing anything but eventually he fessed up to having overheard a conversation between Tommy and Wilbur."
"Why would you keeping that to yourself?" Phil facepalmed.
"I didn't want to get involved" Quackity shrugged, "it seemed like a family issue".
"We have been searching for Wilbur for two months, two fucking months! How would you feel if someone you loved got kidnapped, and I had key information that I just decided not to share?"
"Sorry" Quackity mumbled.
"Just tell Phil what you told me" Nicky said.
"Fine. About two months ago I heard Wilbur's yelling around the border to Las Nevadas for me. I ignored him, because I figured he just wanted to start some new competition, but then I heard him something to Tommy about going far away. That piqued my interest, so I followed them. Now I didn't hear that much of the conversation because I wanted to keep a safe distance so they didn't notice me -
"Stalker" Nicky interrupted.
"Whatever, anyway eventually Tommy started to get upset and started yelling thinking that Wilbur was going off somewhere to kill himself. That's when Wilbur said something really weird." Quackity stopped for moment.
"What did he say?"
"He started going on about some place called Utah, I think he might've lost his mind because I've never heard of-
"Utah" Phil gasped, "he wasn't even going to say goodbye."
"You know what Utah is?"
"It's where we're from, me and Will. No one on the smp seems to know it exists, but I assure you it is real. Can you tell me what happened after that?"
"Sure. After that Tommy got really and Wilbur started to sound scared, and like I said I didn't wanna get involved so I went home, pretended I didn't see or hear anything."
"So you just let it happen!" Nicky said outraged.
Nicky punched Quackity in the face and he fell to the floor. Phil decided to ignore that in favour of considering the new information. If Wilbur was leaving than Tommy must have wanted to stop him from going to Utah, but where would he go if he wanted to keep Wilbur from ever trying to leave again? Probably somewhere away from the ocean, and away from the area of the coastline where the gateway was. He pulled out a map, catching Nicky and Quackity's attention. He crossed off all the areas of land that were near oceans, and he crossed off anything that was near any settlements. If Tommy went in the opposite direction of the gateway from the crater of l'manburg, then there was only one direction left to go.
"Got it."
"What you got all that information just from my story?" Quackity asked.
"Yeah mate, I wish I knew sooner." Quackity had the decency to at least look guilty. "I obviously can't guess exact location, and there is a possibility they could be moving around, but this is the direction we need to move in if we're going to find them."
"I'll go get Tubbo, Ranboo, and Fundy."
"Thank you Nicky. As for you, Quackity," Quackity shifted uncomfortably, "will you help me? I mean you're kind of already involved now and you kind owe Wilbur for not sharing this with us before."
"Fine" Quackity gritty his teeth.
"Great thank you" and for the first time in two months, Phil smiled. He was one step closer to getting his son back.

My Wilbur (a villain tommy story)Where stories live. Discover now