𝐍𝐚𝐠𝐢 𝐒𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 - Don't leave.

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Genre: Fluff :))

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Genre: Fluff :))

"Don't leave..."

ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝

As your eyes fluttered open, your bed was oddly warm.. A little too warm.. You felt something wrapped around your waist, so as you took a little peek into the blanket, you immediately knew who it was.

"S-Seishiro!?" You squeaked as he grudgingly moved his head to look up at you.

"Morning Y/n.." He rubbed his eyes as they gently open. It wasn't normal to wake up with Nagi hugging your waist under the blanket, actually it wasn't normal to wake up with him at all recently. He had his own room with a small bed, but he was of course welcomed into yours. But you would expect him to ask first...

The two of you have been dating for quite a while and had tried sleeping in the same room together, but it just wasn't going to work out. You usually slept before Nagi did, and he had all of his computers in the same room you as you guys were in. So when you went to sleep, his computer would shine a bright light and distract you so you then had a hard time falling asleep.

But he wanted all his gaming stuff in the same room since it would be such a "hassle" to walk to bed when he was done...

So you both agreed on having different rooms since you both slept at such different times. You did miss hugging Nagi to sleep, but you had to get a good night rest in for work you have in the early morning. You didn't really mind after a while, but Nagi absolutely loved cuddling with you. Especially in the winter. It was just so warm with you, and he felt safe with you around. He was a bit upset when you two separated rooms with each other.

And by a bit upset, he was deprived of cuddles and complained lots when you tell him you are heading off to bed. Begging that you would stay up with him so he could hold you and play games. But of course, you denied him and went to bed.

Sighing, you put your hand on Nagi's head while playing with his hair. He smiles, leaning to your touch as he snuggled his head to your stomach. "Hey... When did you get in my bed?" You asked, looking down at him with a soft smile.

"Last night.. I stayed up too late and my bed was cold." He mumbled, enjoying your touch as he was about to fall asleep again. Rolling your eyes at him you chuckled at his response. Not surprised at all.

"What time is it Seishiro?" You felt his body tense up. "Seishiro?.." You mumble, letting go of his head while reaching for your phone. You felt him flinch as you let go, turning on your phone while taking a good look at the time.

9:48 AM

Guess what, your work started at 7:30 am...

"SEISHIRO YOU LITTLE SHIT!" You yelled before ripping the blankets off them. Nagi's body flinched to the cold air suddenly hitting him while clinging tighter on your waist. "Don't go...." He whined out loud.

Leaving Nagi on the bed, you grabbed your work clothes and quickly changed in the bathroom while brushing your teeth. While you were doing that, a sleepy Nagi came from behind you, his fluffy hair all over the place as his lazy eyes looked at you for a little. "Can't you skip work today?.."

"No, I can't Seishrio." You playfully rolled your eyes at him as he pouted. You finished getting ready, a bit sloppy but it was workable. You patted Nagi on the head while rushing out of the bedroom, grabbing your keys on the way before opening the front door.

"Y/n!.." Nagi yelled while quickly walking over to you. He then hugged your body, not letting you finish unlocking the door. "Don't leave..." He muttered into your ear, before giving you a loving kiss on the cheek.

"Seishiro..." You said, letting go of the door while looking him in the eyes. Full of hope, he happily looked at you back. Maybe you would change your and and stay with him?..

"I gotta go, see you later!" You gave him a cheeky smirk before opening the door and running to your car. Nagi just stood there, his mouth slightly open while his arm was slightly out reached to you. Seeing your car drive away as he sighed in the end.

His lips pouted out, as he closed the door and stifles out a yawn, he sees his phone was on the kitchen countertop. It lit up, receiving a text message as he grudgingly walked over to it and opened his phone.

Reo wanted to play soccer with him, and asked if he was awake. Nagi, ignored his text while putting his phone down. Going back to your room while flopping onto the bed.

The smell of you enveloped him, as he rolls himself into your blanket. He happily hummed, as sleep was starting to get to him. He was starting to miss you a little, but then falls asleep to the thought of you coming home sooner if he slept now.

A soft smile was on his face, hoping you would come back soon.


Back to writing, sorry for my delayed post loll

School is tiring me out, but enjoy this!

(I swear I'm working on request (˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )

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