𝐍𝐨𝐞𝐥 𝐍𝐨𝐚 - Hands off.

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Genre: Fluff

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Genre: Fluff

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"Yes, so please refrain from flirting with her."

* ੈ✩‧₊˚

"Be grateful that I at least tolerate you enough to let you visit here..." Ego grumbled as you rolled your eyes at his response through the phone. Ending the call, you saw that the metal doors had slid open with ease, as you then walked inside. Now officially inside of Blue Lock's facility, you aimlessly walked around while making sure to get a good look inside.

It was a simple layout, the walls mostly looked of metal with a single dark blue horizontal stripe following across them. You sighed, maybe you really should've had asked Ego for directions first...

There was only one reason you were here and it was to see someone. That someone was your dear husband, Noel Noa. Only a couple close people knew that you were married to him, while the public was oblivious to it. Ego being one of them and mostly the reason why he had let you inside.

You wanted to do a simple surprise for him so you came to Blue Lock...

You couldn't tell if it was worth nagging Ego over and over again to let you visit because you were now lost... There was no map at the entrance telling where you were, and all the rooms and walls looked the same.

"Fucking Ego.." You muttered under your breath before sighing. Closing your eyes for a minute and rubbing your temple in frustration. Till you suddenly felt an arm snake around your waist as you flinched. Turing to your side to see an unfamiliar man...

His blonde hair and blue eyes made it obvious he wasn't from Japan. As he smiled at you and pulled you to his side. You could feel his muscles flex around your waist as you scrunch your eyebrows together. "What's a girl like you doing here?"

"Just.. Trying to find my way to the Bastard Munchens game..." You take his hand off your waist and back away from him.

"I can lead a girl like you there, come on!" He grabs your hand this time and pulls you with him. He speed walks while dragging you behind him, his speed walk means your jogging. As you struggled to keep up with his pace.

° ᡣ𐭩 . ° .

"We are here!" He announced, bringing you to another automatic metal door where above it said 'Game Room'. Crouching a bit and catching your breath, you had just assumed he had taken you where you asked and this was where the Bastard Munchen match was happening...

"No shit... What the hell.." You mumbled, before standing straight again. The 'walk' had taken a couple minutes but you don't really exercise much so it did take a bit out of you.

"Who are you even?.." You genuinely asked as he stared at you with a sudden frown on his face.

"You don't know me?! I'm Chris Prince, on par with Noel Noa?.." He quickly said as you were dumbfounded. "Alright man." You just walked past him as he stared at you blankly while you opened the door.

Immediately upon walking in, players were on the bright fake grass playing for their lives basically. Screaming at each other as sweat covered their bodies. You turn to your right to see a team lined up, waiting for their turn to play and be subbed in. And up ahead was the Bastard Muchens team. Immediately recognizing the logo, and of course your husband.

Noel was just staring at his team, analyzing each person and not noticing the someone has entered. "Oh? You're staring at Noel?" Chris came behind you as you nodded. "Yeah we are marr- Friends." You quickly changed your words. "You single?" Chris leaned a bit down to your height as you immediately got uncomfortable.

"You could say..." You adverted your gaze. Not wanting to admit that you're literally taken and married, if it wasn't obvious by the ring on your hand which he did not seem to notice when he had grabbed it. The corner of his lips curved up as he puts an arm around your shoulder. "Then shall we get out of here and we could go somewhere-"

"Hands off Chris." You peeked over him to see your husband. Walking up to you guys as he puts his hand on Chris's shoulder. "She's clearly uncomfortable." The blonde rolled his eyes and backed away from you. "Sorry! Guess I didn't notice." He half heartedly said while smiling innocently.

Noel came closer to you before grabbing your hand and pulling you back outside the game room. The doors slid open again as you two got out, he takes both of your hands into his and stares deeply into your eyes as you stared back at his sharp yellow ones. He wasn't the best with words and it was always hard to read his expression, since he was always a serious person.

But, right now you can see something was bugging him. As he gently squeezed your hands before sighing. "Chris didn't do anything weird, right?" He asked.

"I'm fine." You reassured, as he nodded. Before leaning his forehead down on your shoulder, closing his eyes as his hands move to your waist to bring you closer to him. "I'm glad your here then.." Noel mumbled, you felt your heart was about to burst at any moment.

It has been a couple months since you two have seen each other— Well in person of course. You had always pestered Noel to call you once a week, which he always did. He won't admit to you that he loved the hours of you talking to him about your day and how much you missed him. The voice you had always calmed him down, he would close his eyes and almost imagine that you were right next to him.

It really made Noel want to immediately fly back home and wrap you in his arms again instead of teaching some egotistical children. But he knew the contract with Ego had to be followed throughly, so he couldn't, yet.

Suddenly seeing you today in the corner of his eye was a great surprise for sure. Doing a double take to make sure he wasn't dreaming again. Till he had noticed Chris wrapping an arm around you and smirking. It made him get up from his chair and walk towards you two. Some of his students whispering to each other about why he was suddenly in a hurry, but he didn't care. He almost wanted to just push Chris away from you before deciding he had to be the mature one in this situation.

For now, Noel was just glad that he could finally see you again in person. Holding you close as you stroke your hand in his hair. He smiles a bit, feeling so relieved and loved by you.

"Wait.. You guys are dating?!" Chris immediately shouted, his shocked face made you chuckle at him. Noel let go of you and lifted his head before turning to look at the him.

"Yes, so please refrain from flirting with her." Noel grabbed your hand again and squeezed it tight. While glaring at Chris.

"When did you guys start dating-"

"That's enough."

⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚

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