𝐈𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐢 𝐘𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢 - Bad Memories..

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Genre: Fluff + some angst

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Genre: Fluff + some angst

TW: Abusive parents will be mentioned

I'll try my best! Thanks for the request

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I'll try my best! Thanks for the request

"You deserve so much.."

˙✧˖°📷 ⋆。˚꩜

You're at home, humming to yourself as you cook dinner for your beloved husband and daughter. You gently smile to yourself as you hear the front door click open and giggling noises from Isagi and your kid.

"That movie was great!" She exclaimed while holding Isagi's hand. She waddled her way inside as Isagi had to crouch down to be able to walk and hold her hand.

"Mhm! It sure was, wasn't it!" He picked up our daughter and walked up to you to see what you were cooking. "This looks great Y/n, sad you couldn't see the movie with us though.. it really was good." Isagi said while softly smiling at you.

"It's fine.. I didn't really wanna go anyways, glad you two had fun." You turned around and kissed your daughters forehead while she giggled. Isagi laughed and ruffled her hair. "Dad!.. Can we go play now!" Your daughter asked while tugging on your husbands shirt. Isagi nodded and carried her to the toys room. You could hear them laughing together and toys tapping onto the ground. You wished you had the same relationship back then with your dad, but sadly you didn't.


"Y/N! DIDN'T I TELL YOU TO NOT LEAVE THE HOUSE?" Your dad scolded as you looked down at the ground, tears building up already. "It's such a mess in here and YOU NEED THE CLEAN IT!" He yelled as he lets out a frustrated sigh. You felt your tear drops falling onto the ground as your dad continues to say how he shouldn't need to clean the house, since he was a "man". It was disgusting.

Bullshit. All you wanted to do was yell at him, tell him that who in the world treats their daughter like this. And what a fucking dumbass he is for not taking responsibility but instead making their kid do it.

"Y/n, are you even listening?.." He grumbled as he pushed his face right in front of yours. The smell of alcohol lingered in his breath as you grit your teeth together. You were done, at your absolute limit with this man.

"No, I'm not listening." You mumbled as his eyebrows furrowed together.

"THEN WHY DONT YOU START?! YOU'RE SO USELESS-" You pushed him away as he stumbled back, then booked it to the door. You could hear him yelling as he was lying on the ground, where he deserved to be.

You didn't know where you were going, but when you finally stopped running you realized how your dad had always kept you inside the house. Only letting you out for school and to get groceries. You looked around panicked, where were you gonna go? You didn't have your cell phone, what a idiot you are..

You sat down on the sidewalk, not caring if it was dirty or not and finally let it out. Tears were accumulating faster than ever as you sobbed. Bringing your knees up to your chest as you put your head down and used your arms to cover yourself. Your shoulders bobbed up and down each time you choked out a cry. You heard running coming closer to you, but brushed it off as a person going for a jog.

"Y/n?.. Are you okay?!" A scared voice rushed up to you as you looked up.

"Isagi?.." You breathed out as he squat down to see if you were hurt at all, while asking you some questions. You clearly heard the panic in his voice as you brought your head up and stare in shock.

"You're not hurt any where right?.." He gently asked, holding your arm in his hand as he brought his eyes up to you. Isagi's stare was attentive with you as he carefully looked at your face. Bringing a hand to your cheek as he wiped some tears away.

"I-I'm fine.." You mumbled, even though it was obvious you weren't. You heard him sigh, before his arms wrapped around you to envelope you to a soft hug. "You don't have to tell me what happened.."

you gently wrapped your arms around his too, as you cried into his shoulder. Soft sobs coming out as he ran his hand gently on your back. Isagi hated to see people cry, especially if it was you.

Sure he doesn't know much about you, but he can't keep his eyes off you. He likes the way you gently smile, the way you laugh and he wanted all of your attention to himself. It was a bit selfish, but he couldn't help himself.

"Thank you Isagi.." You mumbled, as he smiled.

Little did you both know, it was a start of a long relationship.

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"Darling?.. Why are you crying?.." Isagi panicked as he ran up to you. Snapping out of your daze, you hadn't noticed you were crying. Quickly wiping the tears away you face your husband and assure him you're fine. "It's nothing.." You say, as a small sniffle came out.

"Okay.." He sighed, letting go of the situation as he went behind and hugged you. Wrapping his arms around his waist as he snuggled his face into your shoulder. "You can always tell me you know?.." He whispered as you let out a soft chuckle.

"I'm just happy you treat our daughter better than my horrible parents." You felt him quickly kiss your cheek as his eyes brows furrowed.

"I would never treat her like that! And I would never treat you like that.. You deserve so much.." Isagi squeezes you tighter as he tries to comfort you. You nod, happy you got away from your parents and found Isagi.

"Mommy!!" Your small daughter ran out of her playroom and stopped in front of you two. Small tears were visible from your eye as you crouched and picked up your daughter. "Why are you sad?.." She asked while pouting.

"Because, your dad scared me..." You pretended to be upset as your daughter gasped and turned to Isagi. "Bad!" She shouted to him like a dog.

A small giggled escaped as Isagi just stood there dumbfounded.

How glad you were to find this man.


I totally didn't forget to finish this.. But school work has been shitting on me recently enjoy this!

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