𝐌𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐊𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐫 - Promise.

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Genre: Angst + Comfort

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Genre: Angst + Comfort

Couple of you asked for Kaiser idk if I did this man justice though 🤷‍♀️

Inspired song: Promise by Laufey

"And before you could blink he kissed your nose, squeezing you tighter as he looks at you with a soft gaze."


"I made a promise. To distance, myself. Took a flight, through aurora skies.."

The front door creaks open after being unlocked. The house was dim, no lights were turned on expect the one from your shared bedroom.

Kaiser sighed, walking inside and locking the door behind him as he dropped his sports equipment on the ground. His  blue hair streaks followed behind him as he walked closer to the room. Soft sobs could be heard as he got closer, slowly peaking through the door he found his girlfriend sobbing on the bed. Your phone clutched between your hand as you cried.

He felt no emotion. His facial expression didn't change a bit as he walked inside, you lifted your head from the sudden noise you heard.

"Michael?.." You mumbled as you stared at him. You blinked away a couple tears, he saw that your eyes were puffy from crying and your hair was a mess. Your eyes strained as he wondered how much it hurt to cry.

"Honestly I didn't think about.. How we didn't say goodbye. Just, 'see you very soon...' "

Since Kaiser had went to the Blue Lock program, he had only bid you a goodbye with both of you standing outside of your house. His hand carefully on your cheek as you teared up a bit. Kaiser carefully cooed to you as he used his thumb to wipe them away. Looking at you warmly as he gently smiles, hoping you would follow his action too. You try to smile, a wobbly one appeared as he just chuckled at you.

"I'll see you very soon, meine Liebling."
(I'll see you very soon, my love.)

You grab his hand that was holding your face, and gave it a squeeze as you sobbed. He gently leaned in and kissed your forehead. As he used his other arm to wrap around your waist and bring you in closer. Your head against his chest as he keeps you in his grasp.

"Ich werde dich so vermissen.."
(I'm gonna miss you..)

He nods, hugging you tighter as you wrapped your arms around him too. Behind him, a loud honk was heard. You both peek to see the driver waiting for him. He hesitantly let go of you, replacing his hold with his luggage. He turns around from you, walking towards the car as you wiped away your tears that were now steadily falling down. Before he got in, he looked back at you, and smiled. Then stepping inside.

You watched as the car drove away, staring at it till it was out of view. Hoping that he'd come back soon..

"It hurts to be something. It's worse to be nothing, with you..."

Later that day, you sent him a text. Saying how much you hoped he got there safe, and was adjusting well with the others. After a couple hours, you finally got a reply. You happily opened your phone, till you saw he just responded with a— "K. I did." The happiness you had quickly faded, but you shook your head and made yourself stay positive. For him... Kaiser would've wanted you to stay happy anyway.

Days progressed, and you tried to brush it off, you really did. That strange feeling that he was slowly distancing himself from you... But when you kept having that feeling again, and again, you couldn't help but have second guesses. Maybe he was tired.. You did watch all the games he was in on Blue Lock TV and it seemed like lots of running... But as days passed, it only got worse. Now you were only left on seen, not even a single reply. Every day you sent a message, checking up on him and telling him about small things that happened in your day. To be just left on seen.

"So I didn't call you. For sixteen long days."

You then decided to not text him. Maybe you were texting too much? And later on he would hopefully send you a message on how he was doing, or some funny experiences... Or maybe that he actually misses you...

But, sixteen long days passed by, and no messages. You started to lose hope. You start to get worried about how he was, or even if he cared for you at this point! What type of person leaves their loved one, saying that they'll— "miss them so much, I'll come back soon." Then leaves, without any context or traces left of them...

Did he really care?...

Months passed, and your mental health got worse. You tired to move on from him, but there was still a flick of hope he would send you a text... One text about how he's been... One text reassuring he still loves you...

Now, he was back... After his long awaited months you and him were reunited. Not the way you wanted it though... You sitting in your bed, hair covering your face as you use your arms to wipe away your stream of tears. While he just sits next to you.

"Ich schätze, du hast mich wirklich vermisst"
(I guess you really missed me...)

You faced up at him, pretty pissed off. He made you worry so much, and now he decided to joke with you.

You just scoff at him, turning your back at him. He just grumbles a bit, before bringing you closer to him, he latched his body behind you as his arms wrap around your waist. His chin on your shoulder next to your ear as he apologizes again and again. Giving you kisses all over your right side cheek.

"And I should get, a cigarette. For so much restraint. No matter how long I resist temptation. I will, always lose..."

You slightly turn your head to look at him, and before you could blink he kissed your nose, squeezing you tighter as he looks at you with a soft gaze. He frowns, he might actually be sorry...

Kaiser's eyes are filled so much worry for you that he hides, burrowing his head in your shoulder. He didn't want to seem weak, not in front of you. But when he saw you like this he didn't know how to react. It almost pained him to how much he made you suffer.

You just let him hold you, taking a deep breath to calm yourself down as you stay in that position. Letting him hold you in his arms as he slightly sways you. You can't lie and say you didn't like it...

You were giving in to his affection for now, but later on you sure were going to yell at him after this. But at this moment, were just going to enjoy this for now... Letting you feel his warmth that you craved for so long, the nights you wished he was just doing what he was right now.

"It hurts to be something, it's worse to be nothing with you."


omg this is my first time writing angst so like idk feel like I did good ig
hope you enjoyed for those kaiser simps

btw I didn't know if I should make this fully angst or not but the song is about how you just keep going back to the person so idk. It would be fun to make it fully angst though...

Also if the German is not right please correct me, I did use google translate so uh..

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