𝐘𝐮𝐤𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐲𝐮 - Cat Café.

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Genre: Fluff

ignore how long this took, please. 


" "Whatever.." Yukimiya's gaze lingers onto you, seeing how foolish you were being but couldn't pull away from your laughing figure"

/ᐠ - ˕ -マ Ⳋ

CAT CAFES AREN'T PLACES YOU VISIT OFTEN. So you could say you were absolutely surprised to find out your boyfriend had taken you to one for a date. It was a sweet surprise when you found out, especially after entering and seeing one of their cute faces you immediately wanted to pay and play with all of them.

Yukimiya softly smiled and sighed in relief, seeing how much you already liked the place. He paid for both of your time slots with the cats while seeing in the corner of his eye at how excited you were. Eyeing the cats through the glass window, itching to get inside.

"Alright, let's go." He signalled with one of the employees now unlocking the room while you grab his shirt to drag him inside quicker.

You almost screamed when you entered, the door closing behind you two as you tug at your boyfriend's sleeve. Inside was about a dozen cats with different types of fur, all active and currently looking at the both of you. Some of them scared as they scurried to the back of the room, hiding inside their homes of cat trees. It also seems like you two were the only ones there, thankfully.

"Kenyu... I'm going to pass out."

"Please don't." He chuckled while you let go of his sleeve. Slowly walking over and sitting down near a cluster of them. Some were brave and walked around you while inspecting and rubbing their bodies against you. While others were absolutely terrified and when you tried to pet them immediately ran away. Either way you were enjoying your time with the adorable cats.

You then felt a presence next to you, turning your head you saw Yukimiya sitting down. Also staring at the cats he reached out to pet one, only for it to run away. You chuckle at him before he shoots you a glare.

Opening your mouth to make fun of him, you felt something settle down on your lap. You shut up and looked down to see it was a black cat as it made itself comfy on you. Trying to not scream again, your hand reaches out and starts harshly tugging at Yukimiya's arm again for him to look at this achievement. The cat chose you, not him.

He smiles and rolls his eyes, watching as you carefully pet the cat with slow movements to not disturb it. The cat started pawing at your legs, purring in the process showing signs it was extremely comfortable around you.

You move your attention from the cat to Yukimiya as he glances up at you. Waiting to see if you wanted to say something.

"Can we keep him?.." You pleaded with an exaggerated amount of blinking and staring while he stared back disappointed.

"You don't even know if it's a him."

"I know, don't worry."


"I birthed him."

"You.. You what?.."

"Don't talk about my son like that."

"Y/n I seriously think you're losing it.." He grumbled covering his face with his hand as you laugh at his reaction. He couldn't help but smile behind his hands when hearing your laugh, and your stupid act.

"No but seriously, can we adopt them?" You ask, picking up the cat from your lap and holding it up above you so its front paws reach out and the rest of its body dangles.

It meows at you before you slowly bring it to Yukimiya in almost an intimidating way by how slow you were going. He chuckles and grabs the cat from you and places it on his lap. Softly petting its back as it purs again and relaxes.

"That's our kid now." You say proudly while he rolls his eyes at you.

"Oh? Do you two like the cat? You can adopt him if you guys want! He's usually very shy with people but it seems he warmed up with you guys." A caretaker who just happened to walk in and  already seeing the connection you two had with the cat politely smiled at you guys before leaving.

"See, it is a boy. That's my boy!" You cheered, lifting your hands up and laughing again.

"Whatever.." Yukimiya's gaze lingers onto you, seeing how foolish you were being but couldn't pull away from your laughing figure. The cat's eyes were getting droopy and blinked slowly before resting his head down on his leg.

"Should we adopt him?" You now whisper, dying down the enthusiasm and smiled down at the cat. While you stared down at the cat, Yukimiya was still staring up at you. The way you were so happy and the sound of your laugh made him feel all tingly inside, brushing a piece of hair behind your ear making him catch your attention again as you lifted your head.

"I don't mind." A wide smile stretched onto your face when you heard him agree. Leaning your head down on his shoulder while he leaned his head on top of yours.

You could say later on when the cat woke up the two of you went to sign out adoption papers for him.

ฅ(ᵔ꒳ ᵔマ.ᐟ

did you guys miss me after my like 2 month break 🥺
(say yes)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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