𝐈𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐢 𝐘𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢 - Sleepy.

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Genre: Fluff

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Genre: Fluff

"Yoichi.. Stay here with me.."

"A-Are you sure?.."

.˚ *꒰ঌ✦໒꒱ * ˚.

"Y/N! Come down I want to tell you more about Blue Lock!" Yoichi excitedly called you down as you giggled and ran down the stairs. You were very happy that Isagi agreed to stay over at your house for a little bit after being free from the imprisonment called Blue Lock.

Sure, you were a bit upset that he did just leave you without any context and so little text but what matters now is that you two were together ready to catch up! You ran to the living room where Isagi was and jumped onto the couch and got comfy with the blankets. The original idea was you guys were gonna watch a movie, but Isagi wanted to tell you all about Blue Lock so the movie could wait for a little..

"Okay! Where did I leave off at?.." He mumbled while trying to think.

"Oh yeah! So our team was facing this guy called Itoshi Rin, and he's actually related to Itoshi Sae! —- —— —-"

At first, you were paying deep attention to his ramble, but after a couple hours pass you could feel yourself getting sleepy. You tried your best to stay awake and nod off to his explanation, but after 10 minutes of doing so you couldn't take it anymore.

"Oh wow Yoichi... That's sounds so cool.." You mumbled while his eyes glittered and replied with a; "I know right!" He spreads his arm out with excitement with what you just said, but then felt a weight fall on him.

You had accidentally fell asleep on Isagi's chest, and he sat there frozen for a good minute or so. It's true that he had liked you a lot before going to Blue Lock and missed you tons but now seeing you up close with your sleeping face, his heart was pounding so hard he was afraid it might wake you up. Your hair that was slightly disheveled, and your even breathings made him calm down a little. He pulled the blanket you were using and lightly covered your shoulders with it, scared to wake you up.

Usually, he would carry you to your room but he was scared to touch you. You looked 10x more mature and beautiful than the last time he saw you, so he couldn't help but be a little bit nervous around you. So for now, he laid down and let you cuddle onto his chest while he watched a movie. Of course turning the volume very low so it would startle you.

ଘ( ・ω・)_/゚・:*:・。☆

Yoichi's eyes started to feel heavy, barely open at this point with it being 1am at the moment. Him mindlessly playing with your hair between his fingers felt like a dream. He started to plan on how to carry you back to your room, and how he was probably going to sleep on the couch after that, till he saw movement in the corner of his eye.

He quickly looked down, and saw you wrapping your arms around his waist, snuggling more into his chest. Butterflies were sent into his stomach as he put his hand onto your back and started to rub your back lightly.

"Yoichi.. What time is it.." You mumbled with your eyes still closed.

"Oh! Uhm.. It's 1am right now Y/n.. Do you want me to carry you to your room?" He lovingly whispered to you as you hummed in response.

"Yes please.."

"Alright, I'll give you a piggy back if that's okay.." Yoichi stumbled off the couch as he squatted down in front of it to let you on. You crawled onto his back as his arms held your legs as he stood back up. He made sure to be extra gentle with you to not make you uncomfortable.

Isgai turned off the T.V as he started his way upstairs. He hadn't been in your house for a while, but everything felt so nostalgic. He opened the door to your room, the same as always. He softly placed you onto your bed and tucked you in.

"Do you need anything else Y/n?" He muttered to you as you shook your head.

"Alright then, I'll be going to sleep on the couch then." As Isagi turned around, he felt a tug on his hand. He looked behind him and saw you holding it, a light tug on his hand and you frowning made him confused. Did he do something wrong?

"Yoichi.. Stay here with me.." You sleepily said as you moved to make room for him. Isagi's face turned a bright red, you wanted him to cuddle with you!? That was too much, too much for Isagi's heart to handle. You looked so cute already sleeping, how could he manage to stay for the whole night with you by his side?! It felt too good to be true.

"A-Are you sure?.. I might take too much room and-"

"Just come over here you dumbass..." Isgai sighed and walked over to you and got into the covers as you immediately went up and hugged him. He hesitantly out his arm around your waist as you snuggled your face into his chest.

As everything went quiet, he could hear your soft even pace of breathing while you hugged him. His heart pounding again as he tries to come to his sense that he was actually cuddling with you.

"Goodnight Y/n, I love you.." Isagi mumbled into your hair as he pulled you closer. He closed his eyes as he also fell asleep.

But the thing was, you heard him loud and clear... Your face now red just coming to your senses on what he just said..

"Damn you Yoichi.. My heart can't handle this.." You muttered under your breath as you lightly hit his chest.

A large smile came over you knowing that he also likes you back. For now you just appreciated the moment for as long as you could while you also drift asleep.

(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧


Also I always write extra long one shots for this man but he deserves it 🫶🫶

Also I always write extra long one shots for this man but he deserves it 🫶🫶

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