Chapter Thirteen, Page Two

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Atriel: (Sleeping)

Andrew: (Picks up a cat) Hey baby. It's just Andrew.

Atriel: (Turns over) (Pulls the sheet over his nipple)

Andrew: (Puts the cat down) (Walks over to Atriel's side of the bed) (Pulls the sheet down and rubs his nipple and his chest) (Looks at Atriel's face)
(Whispers) I love you. (Kisses Atriel) (Pulls back slowly) I'm so proud of who you are and what you have become in this world. You are so beautiful.


Atriel: (Kissing Andrew) You're the fucking best Andrew. My one and all.

Andrew: I'm so happy we've finally had the time to have sex. Raising this child has been a lot.

Atriel: What child? (Wakes up) (Pulls the sheet off of him revealing himself completely naked)

Andrew: That is hot!

Atriel: You really think so.

Andrew: Yeah. (Moves closer to Atriel) (Puts a hand on Atriel's chest and his other on Atriel's ass) You're so fucking sexy bro.

Atriel: Thank you Andrew.

Andrew: (Rubs Atriel's chest) I want you to know that we will still be able to love eachother just as much even with a kid.

Atriel: Oh nobody will ever make me stop loving you.

Andrew: I know.

Atriel: (Grabs Andrew's ass and pulls him in closer)

Andrew: (Hugs and holds Atriel tightly)

Atriel: (Puts his hand down the back of Andrew's pants) I respect what's back here. (Moves his hands around Andrew's ass)

Andrew: That feels so good mí amor.

Atriel: You give the best hugs ever but I think that's only because I love you so much babe.

Andrew: (Kisses Atriel) I love you so much my sweet babe. (Squeezes Atriel tight)

Atriel: I wish I could stay in your arms forever and ever and ever my love.

Andrew: You'd get tired cause I'm always on the move. Seriously though you should get dressed. If you remember we have an appointment with some women today to find out who we want our son to come out of and I want you to be the one to decide.

Atriel: A son. (Smiles)

Andrew: I know you would probably prefer a son since a boy is easier to raise.

Atriel: I'm close to a multi millionaire and you're a millionaire too, we can handle a child.

Andrew: I know but this child is gonna only have my dna in it.

Atriel: I know. I prefer it that way.

Andrew: Why?

Atriel: You're sexy. Also as much as I love myself I hate my dna. I always have.

Andrew: You shouldn't. You're such a good, kind, and sweet person. You always support me and look out for me and have my back. I mean there's never been a time when you haven't since I've known you. You're the best.

Atriel: No, you're the best. I love you but my past is why I don't like it.

Andrew: You have to forgive yourself. Everyone who truly loves you has already done that.

Atriel: Andrew.

Andrew: You have me. You've always wanted me I've read every text you've sent to my social media pages.

Atriel: Wow. Embarrassing.

Andrew: It was sweet.

Atriel: Andrew I never found your friends content to be anywhere close to as good as yours. Sometimes it was heartbreaking bc I didn't want you to be straight because I knew no woman could ever make you feel as good as I could.

Andrew: You were right. Feels so good I'm never leaving. You make it worth the stay everyday. Even on your worst days you're always the best to me and that's what I love about you. You'll do anything in the world just to make me feel loved which is how I know you'd be a great father.

Atriel: Kids bring emotions that I've never felt before. You bring emotions that make me happy and that make it easier to live everyday. I live just to see your face. Just to see your smile. Just to hear you laugh and moan. That brings me the most joy I've ever felt in my life. I live making you smile and making you feel good not only sexually but emotionally. I love the touch of your hand on places I've never been touched before. I love you Andrew, I always have, and I always will for the rest of my life until we both die and go to heaven and even after that for eternity you will always hold the most sacred place in my heart. You're my everything and you always will be and I'd do anything, have anything, make anything just to keep it that way because nobody makes me as happy as you make me. (Tears up) (Kisses Andrew) (Fondles Andrew's ear and his face) You're the most beautiful person with the most beautiful spirit, mind, body, and soul. If it was possible I'd remarry you again and again even though we're already married.

Andrew: Stop. (Cries) I've never had anyone feel this way about me ever. You really love me.. and I.. (Passes out)

Atriel: Andrew! Andrew are you okay?

Jacoby: (Holding a gun) Put your hands up now bitch!

Atriel: (Gasps) Jacoby.

Jacoby: Your mom never cared about you and I've always hated you now get on the floor before I kill you!!

Atriel: You shut the hell up and get the FUCK out of my house! NOWW!! You wanna play with fire you bet your fat evil sorry ass you're gonna get burned!
(Picks up gun) PLAY WITH ME! (Scowls at Jacoby)

To Be Continued....

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