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AS Y/N HAD WALKED INTO HER 4TH PERIOD CLASS, she felt a mix of boredom. It was the middle of the school year, and she never looked forward going to this period, it was her most disliked class she had. Moving through the rows of desks, she found her assigned seat next to a girl with mint green hair, named Haypasia. Y/n smiled and greeted her seatmate, not wanting to seem rude.

Settling into her seat, Y/n began unpacking her bags, taking out her notebooks and textbooks for the class. She glanced around the room, taking in the familiar sights and faces. Just as she was about to fully immerse herself in the science class, there was a knock on the classroom door that caught everyone's attention.

Curiosity piqued, Y/n turned her head to see a white-haired boy standing at the entrance. The teacher opened the door and the boy asked for Y/n specifically. Confusion furrowed her brow as she wondered who this boy was and what he wanted with her. Reluctantly, she gathered her things and stepped out of the classroom, giving a sheepish smile to her seatmate before closing the door behind her.

Finally face-to-face with the boy who had pulled her out of class, Y/n's eyes widened in surprise as she realized it was her best friend, Cyno. A wide grin spread across her face, and she immediately rushed forward to give him a tight hug.

"Cyno! What are you doing here?" Y/n exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine joy. "I thought you had barely any time to hangout with me because Your work on student council? I mean, you are pres after all.

Cyno chuckled and ruffled Y/n's hair playfully. "I didn't, but I wanted to surprise you," he replied, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "I missed my best friend too much to stay away for long."

Y/n beamed, feeling a rush of happiness flood her senses. She couldn't believe Cyno had gone through all this trouble just to see her. They had been inseparable since childhood, constantly embarking on adventures and making unforgettable memories together. The prospect of having him back in her life filled her with a sense of comfort and familiarity.

With arms linked, Y/n and Cyno walked down the school hallway, catching up on each other's lives and sharing stories of their time apart. It felt like no time had passed at all; their bond was as strong as ever. As they headed towards Cyno's own private office, Y/n knew deep in her heart that having Cyno pick her up from science class so she didn't have to go was the best surprise she could have asked for.

NEVER HAVE I EVER , SCARAMOUCHEWhere stories live. Discover now