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Y/N SLOWLY STIRRED FROM HER SLUMBER, her senses gradually returning to her. The melodic chirping and singing of birds outside reached her ears, signaling the arrival of a new Time of the day. As she opened her eyes, she realized her unfamiliar surroundings. Confusion turned into realization as she discovered herself nestled on top of Scaramouche's lap, her head resting gently on his thighs.

Becoming aware of her position, Y/n swiftly raised her head, the sudden movement causing Scaramouche's attention to shift from his phone. With a bored expression, he glanced up at her, seemingly unfazed by her unintended slumber. Y/n tapped him lightly on the shoulder, her voice filled with curiosity as she inquired about the duration of her nap.

"How long was I asleep for?" she asked, her eyes searching his face for a response. Scaramouche, his words measured and calm, raised his eyes from the phone screen and estimated, "I'd say about thirty minutes or so."

Y/n's eyebrows furrowed slightly, thinking Scaramouche might have been bothered by her awkward sleeping position on top of him. She couldn't help but voice her concern. "Oh shit.. I'm sorry. Was it uncomfortable for you?"

To her surprise, Scaramouche shook his head dismissively, a gentle smile tugging at his lips. "Nah, don't worry about it. I didn't really mind, and I didn't want to wake you up. You looked peaceful, to be honest."

Relief washed over Y/n as his words assured her that he was unbothered and understanding of the situation. She offered him a grateful smile, appreciating his considerate nature, knowing he's usually the opposite around people.

The serene atmosphere under the cherry blossom tree lent a peaceful aura to their conversation, allowing Y/n to momentarily forget about her math homework. But as idle thoughts invaded her mind, a sudden jolt of panic reminded her of an impending deadline. Searching her surroundings, she failed to spot the crucial sheet of paper, prompting her to frantically dig through her bag, only to find it absent there too. Anxiety surged, and she turned her worried gaze towards Scaramouche, hoping he might have seen it.

NEVER HAVE I EVER , SCARAMOUCHEWhere stories live. Discover now